Types of Matrices
In this section, we shall define certain types of matrices.
A matrix is said to be a row matrix if it has only one row and any number of
A row matrix is also called as a row vector.
For example, A = (8 9 4 3), B = (-√3/2 1 √3) are row matrices of order 1×4 and 1×3 respectively.
In general A = (a11
a12 a13 … a1n) is a row matrix of order
A matrix is said to be a column matrix if it has only one column and any number of
rows. It is also called as a column vector.
For example, are column matrices of order 3 ×1, 2 ×1 and 4 ×1 respectively.
In general, is a column matrix of order m × 1.
A matrix in which the number of rows is equal to the number of columns is called a square matrix. Thus a matrix A = (aij )m ×n will be a square matrix
if m = n
For example, are square matrices.
In general, are square matrices of orders 2 × 2 and 3 × 3 respectively.
A = (aij )m ×m
is a square matrix of order m.
Definition : In a square matrix, the elements of the form a11, a22, a33, . . . (i.e) aii are called leading diagonal elements. For example in the matrix , 1 and 5 are leading diagonal elements.
A square matrix, all of whose elements, except those in the
leading diagonal are zero is called a diagonal matrix.
(ie) A square matrix A = (aij ) is said
to be diagonal matrix if aij = 0 for i ≠ j
. Note that some elements of the leading diagonal may be zero but not all.
For example, are diagonal matrices.
A diagonal matrix in which all the leading diagonal elements are
equal is called a scalar matrix.
In general, A = (aij )m
×m is said to be a scalar matrix if
A square matrix in which elements in the leading diagonal are all
“1” and rest are all zero is called an identity matrix (or) unit matrix.
Thus, the square matrix A = (aij) is an identity matrix if aij =
A unit matrix of order n is written as In.
are identity matrices of order 2 and 3
A matrix is said to be a zero matrix or null matrix if all its elements are zero.
For example, are all zero matrices of order 1×1, 2 × 2 and 3 × 3 but of different orders. We denote zero matrix of order n ×n by On.
is a zero matrix of the order 2×3.
The matrix which is obtained by interchanging the elements in rows
and columns of the given matrix A is called transpose of A and is denoted
by AT (read as A transpose). For example,
If order of A is m ×n then order of AT is n ×m .
We note that (AT )T = A.
A square matrix in which all the entries above the leading
diagonal are zero is called a lower triangular matrix.
If all the entries below the leading diagonal are zero, then it is
called an upper
triangular matrix.
A square matrix A = (aij
)n ×n is called upper triangular
matrix if aij = 0 for = 0 for i > j and is
called lower triangular matrix if aij = 0 ,
i < j .
For example, A = is an upper triangular matrix and B = is a lower triangular matrix.
Two matrices A and B are said to be equal if and
only if they have the same order and each element of matrix A is equal
to the corresponding element of
matrix B. That is, a ij =
bij for all i, j.
For example, if
then we note that A and B have same order and aij
= bij for every i, j. Hence A and B are
equal matrices.
Progress Check
1. The number of column(s) in a column matrix are _______.
2. The number of row(s) in a row matrix are _______.
3. The non-diagonal elements in any unit matrix are______.
4. Does there exist a square matrix with 32 elements?
The negative of a matrix Am ×n
denoted by −Am ×n is the matrix formed by
replacing each element in the matrix Am ×n
with its additive inverse.
Additive inverse of an element k is -k . That is,
every element of –A is the negative of the corresponding element of A.
example, if
Example 3.53
Consider the following information regarding the number of men and women workers in three
factories I, II and III.
Represent the above information in the form of a matrix. What does
the entry in the second row and first column represent?
The information is represented in the form of a 3 ×2 matrix as follows
The entry in the second row and first column represent that there
are 47 men workers in factory II
Example 3.54
If a matrix has 16 elements, what are the possible orders it can have?
We know that a matrix of order m ×n , has mn elements. Thus to find all possible orders of a matrix with
16 elements, we will find all ordered pairs of natural numbers whose product is
Such ordered pairs are (1,16), (16,1), (4,4), (8,2), (2,8)
Hence possible orders are 1 × 16, 16 ×1 , 4 ×4 , 2 ×8 , 8 ×2
Example 3.55
Construct a 3 ×3 matrix whose elements are a ij = i2 j 2
The general 3×3 matrix is given by
Find the value of a, b, c, d
from the equation
The given matrices are equal. Thus all corresponding elements are
a − b = 1…(1)
2a + c = 5…(2)
2a − b = 0…(3)
3c + d = 2…(4)
(3) Gives
2a − b = 0
2a = b …(5)
Put 2a = b in equation (1), a − 2a = 1 gives a = −1
Put a = −1 in equation (5), 2(− 1) = b gives
b = −2
Put a = −1 in equation (2), 2(− 1) +c = 5
gives c = 7
Put c = 7 in equation (4), 3(7) + d
= 2 gives d = −19
Therefore, a = −1, b = −2, c = 7, d =
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