Exercise 3.13
1. Solve by cross-multiplication method
(i) 8x − 3y
= 12
; 5x = 2 y + 7 (ii) 6x + 7 y
−11 = 0 ;
5x + 2 y = 13
(iii) 2/x + 3/y = 5 ; 3/x – 1/y + 9 = 0
(i) 8x − 3y = 12 ; 5x = 2 y + 7
(ii) 6x + 7 y −11 = 0 ; 5x + 2 y = 13
(iii) 2/x + 3/y = 5 ; 3/x – 1/y + 9 = 0
2. Akshaya has 2 rupee coins and 5 rupee
coins in her purse. If in all she has 80 coins totalling ₹ 220, how many coins of
each kind does she have.
3. It takes 24 hours to fill a swimming
pool using two pipes. If the pipe of larger diameter is used for 8 hours and the
pipe of the smaller diameter is used for 18 hours. Only half of the pool is filled.
How long would each pipe take to fill the swimming pool.
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