The first theorem states that the
complement of the sum of two logical inputs is equal to the product of its
The Boolean equation for NOR gate is
The Boolean equation for a bubbled AND
gate is
Both cases generate same outputs for
same inputs. It can be verified using the following truth table.
From the above truth table, we can
conclude .
Thus De Morgan’s First Theorem is
proved. It also says that a NOR gate is equal to a bubbled AND gate.
The corresponding logic circuit
diagram is shown in Figure 9.47.
The second theorem states that the
complement of the product of two inputs is equal to the sum of its complements.
The Boolean equation for NAND gate
The Boolean equation for bubbled OR
gate is
A and B are the inputs and Y is the
output. The above two equations produces the same output for the same inputs.
It can be verified by using the truth table
From the above truth table we can
Thus De Morgan’s First Theorem is
proved. It also says, a NAND gate is equal to a bubbled OR gate.
The corresponding logic circuit
diagram is shown in Figure 9.48
Simplify the Boolean identity
Step 1: AC (1 + B) = AC.1 [OR law-2]
Step 2: AC . 1 = AC [AND law – 2]
Therefore, AC + ABC = AC
Circuit Description
Thus the given statement is proved.
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