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Chapter: Embedded Systems

Programming Embedded Systems in Assembly And C

Many programmers are more comfortable writing in C, and for good reason: C is a mid-level language (in comparison to Assembly, which is a low-level language), and spares the programmers some of the details of the actual implementation.









Many programmers are more comfortable writing in C, and for good reason: C is a mid-level language (in comparison to Assembly, which is a low-level language), and spares the programmers some of the details of the actual implementation.


However, there are some low-level tasks that either can be better implemented in assembly, or can only be implemented in assembly language. Also, it is frequently useful for the programmer to look at the assembly output of the C compiler, and hand-edit, or hand optimize the assembly code in ways that the compiler cannot. Assembly is also useful for time-critical or real-time processes, because unlike with high-level languages, there is no ambiguity about how the code will be compiled. The timing can be strictly controlled, which is useful for writing simple device drivers. This section will look at multiple techniques for mixing C and Assembly program development.




One of the most common methods for using assembly code fragments in a C programming project is to use a technique called inline assembly. Inline assembly is invoked in different compilers in different ways. Also, the assembly language syntax used in the inline assembly depends entirely on the assembly engine used by the C compiler. Microsoft C++, for instance, only accepts inline assembly commands in MASM syntax, while GNU GCC only accepts inline assembly in GAS syntax (also known as AT&T syntax). This page will discuss some of the basics of mixed-language programming in some common compilers.


Microsoft C Compiler


Turbo C Compiler


GNU GCC Compiler


Borland C Compiler




When an assembly source file is assembled by an assembler, and a C source file is compiled by a C compiler, those two object files can be linked together by a linker to form the final executable. The beauty of this approach is that the assembly files can written using any syntax and assembler that the programmer is comfortable with. Also, if a change needs to be made in the assembly code, all of that code exists in a separate file, that the programmer can easily access. The only disadvanges of mixing assembly and C in this way are that a)both the assembler and the compiler need to be run, and b) those files need to be manually linked together by the programmer. These extra steps are comparatively easy, although it does mean that the programmer needs to learn the command-line syntax of the compiler, the assembler, and the linker.






Short assembly routines can be embedded directly in C function in a C code file. The mixed-language file then can be completely compiled with a single command to the C compiler (as opposed to compiling the assembly code with an assembler, compiling the C code with the C Compiler, and then linking them together). This method is fast and easy. If the in-line assembly is embedded in a function, then the programmer doesn't need to worry about #Calling_Conventions, even when changing compiler switches to a different calling convention.




If a new microprocessor is selected, all the assembly commands are isolated in a ".asm" file. The programmer can update just that one file -- there is no need to change any of the ".c" files (if they are portably written).




When writing separate C and Assembly modules, and linking them with your linker, it is important to remember that a number of high-level C constructs are very precisely defined, and need to be handled correctly by the assembly portions of your program. Perhaps the biggest obstacle to mixed-language programming is the issue of function calling conventions. C functions are all implemented according to a particular convention that is selected by the programmer (if you have never "selected" a particular calling convention, it's because your compiler has a default setting). This page will go through some of the common calling conventions that the programmer might run into, and will describe how to implement these in assembly language.


Code compiled with one compiler won't work right when linked to code compiled with a different calling convention. If the code is in C or another high-level language (or assembly language embedded in-line to a C function), it's a minor hassle -- the programmer needs to pick which compiler / optimization switches she wants to use today, and recompile every part of the program that way. Converting assembly language code to use a different calling convention takes more manual effort and is more bug-prone.


Unfortunately, calling conventions are often different from one compiler to the next -- even on the same CPU. Occasionally the calling convention changes from one version of a compiler to the next, or even from the same compiler when given different "optimization" switches.


Unfortunately, many times the calling convention used by a particular version of a particular compiler is inadequately documented. So assembly-language programmers are forced to use reverse engineering techniques to figure out the exact details they need to know in order to call functions written in C, and in order to accept calls from functions written in C.


The typical process is:


write a ".c" file with stubs ... details??? ... ... exactly the same number and type of inputs and outputs that you want the assembly-language function to have.


Compile that file with the appropriate switches to give a mixed assembly-language-with-c-in-comments file (typically a ".cod" file). (If your compiler can't produce an assembly language file, there is the tedious option of disassembling the binary ".obj" machine-code file).


Copy that ".cod" file to a ".asm" file. (Sometimes you need to strip out the compiled hex numbers and comment out other lines to turn it into something the assembler can handle).


Test the calling convention -- compile the ".asm" file to an ".obj" file, and link it (instead of the stub ".c" file) to the rest of the program. Test to see that "calls" work properly.


Fill in your ".asm" file -- the ".asm" file should now include the appropriate header and footer on each function to properly implement the calling convention. Comment out the stub code in the middle of the function and fill out the function with your assembly language implementation.


Test. Typically a programmer single-steps through each instruction in the new code, making sure it does what they wanted it to do.




Normally, parameters are passed between functions (either written in C or in Assembly) via the stack. For example, if a function foo1() calls a function foo2() with 2 parameters (say characters x and y), then before the control jumps to the starting of foo2(), two bytes (normal size of a character in most of the systems) are filled with the values that need to be passed. Once control jumps to the new function foo2(), and you use the values (passed as parameters) in the function, they are retrieved from the stack and used.


There are two parameter passing techniques in use,


1. Pass by Value

2. Pass by Reference


Parameter passing techniques can also use


right-to-left (C-style) left-to-right (Pascal style)


On processors with lots of registers (such as the ARM and the Sparc), the standard calling convention puts *all* the parameters (and even the return address) in registers.

On processors with inadequate numbers of registers (such as the 80x86 and the M8C), all calling conventions are forced to put at least some parameters on the stack or elsewhere in RAM.


Some calling conventions allow "re-entrant code".




With pass-by-value, a copy of the actual value (the literal content) is passed. For example, if you have a function that accepts two characters like


void foo(char x, char y){ x = x + 1;


y = y + 2; putchar(x); putchar(y);



and you invoke this function as follows


char a,b; a='A'; b='B';



then the program pushes a copy of the ASCII values of 'A' and 'B' (65 and 66 respectively) onto the stack before the function foo is called. You can see that there is no mention of variables 'a' or 'b' in the function foo(). So, any changes that you make to those two values in foo will not affect the values of a and b in the calling function.




Imagine a situation where you have to pass a large amount of data to a function and apply the modifications, done in that function, to the original variables. An example of such a situation might be a function that converts a string with lower case alphabets to upper case. It would be an unwise decision to pass the entire string (particularly if it is a big one) to the function, and when the conversion is complete, pass the entire result back to the calling function. Here we pass the address of the variable to the function. This has two advantages, one, you don't have to pass huge data, therby saving execution time and two, you can work on the data right away so that by the end of the function, the data in the calling function is already modified.


But remember, any change you make to the variable passed by reference will result in the original variable getting modified. If that's not what you wanted, then you must manually copy the variable before calling the function.



In the CDECL calling convention the following holds:


Arguments are passed on the stack in Right-to-Left order, and return values are passed in eax.


The calling function cleans the stack. This allows CDECL functions to have variable-length argument lists (aka variadic functions). For this reason the number of arguments is not appended to the name of the function by the compiler, and the assembler and the linker are therefore unable to determine if an incorrect number of arguments is used.


Variadic functions usually have special entry code, generated by the va_start(), va_arg() C pseudo-functions.


Consider the following C instructions:


_cdecl int MyFunction1(int a, int b)


return a + b;



and the following function call:


x = MyFunction1(2, 3);


These would produce the following assembly listings, respectively:


:_MyFunction1 push ebp


mov ebp, esp mov eax, [ebp + 8]


mov edx, [ebp + 12] add eax, edx


pop ebp ret




push 3 push 2


call _MyFunction1 add esp, 8


When translated to assembly code, CDECL functions are almost always prepended with an underscore (that's why all previous examples have used "_" in the assembly code).



STDCALL, also known as "WINAPI" (and a few other names, depending on where you are reading it) is used almost exclusively by Microsoft as the standard calling convention for the Win32 API. Since STDCALL is strictly defined by Microsoft, all compilers that implement it do it the same way.


STDCALL passes arguments right-to-left, and returns the value in eax. (The Microsoft documentation erroneously claims that arguments are passed left-to-right, but this is not the case.)


The called function cleans the stack, unlike CDECL. This means that STDCALL doesn't allow variable-length argument lists.


Consider the following C function:


_stdcall int MyFunction2(int a, int b)


return a + b;



and the calling instruction:


x = MyFunction2(2, 3);


These will produce the following respective assembly code fragments:


:_MyFunction@8 push ebp


mov ebp, esp mov eax, [ebp + 8]


mov edx, [ebp + 12] add eax, edx


pop ebp ret 8




push 3 push 2


call _MyFunction@8


There are a few important points to note here:


1.     In the function body, the ret instruction has an (optional) argument that indicates how many bytes to pop off the stack when the function returns.



2.     STDCALL functions are name-decorated with a leading underscore, followed by an @, and then the number (in bytes) of arguments passed on the stack. This number will always be a multiple of 4, on a 32-bit aligned machine.




The FASTCALL calling convention is not completely standard across all compilers, so it should be used with caution. In FASTCALL, the first 2 or 3 32-bit (or smaller) arguments are passed in registers, with the most commonly used registers being edx, eax, and ecx. Additional arguments, or arguments larger than 4-bytes are passed on the stack, often in Right-to-Left order (similar to CDECL). The calling function most frequently is responsible for cleaning the stack, if needed.


Because of the ambiguities, it is recommended that FASTCALL be used only in situations with 1, 2, or 3 32-bit arguments, where speed is essential.


The following C function:


_fastcall int MyFunction3(int a, int b)


return a + b;



and the following C function call:


x = MyFunction3(2, 3);


Will produce the following assembly code fragments for the called, and the calling functions, respectively:


:@MyFunction3@8 push ebp


mov ebp, esp ;many compilers create a stack frame even if it isn't used add eax, edx ;a is in eax, b is in edx


pop ebp ret




;the calling function mov eax, 2


mov edx, 3

call @MyFunction3@8


The name decoration for FASTCALL prepends an @ to the function name, and follows the function name with @x, where x is the number (in bytes) of arguments passed to the function.

Many compilers still produce a stack frame for FASTCALL functions, especially in situations where the FASTCALL function itself calls another subroutine. However, if a FASTCALL function doesn't need a stack frame, optimizing compilers are free to omit it.






CPS must meet real-time constraints


         A real-time system must react to stimuli from the controlled object (or the operator) within the time interval dictated by the environment.


         For real-time systems, right answers arriving too late are wrong.


         “A real-time constraint is called hard, if not meeting that constraint could result in a catastrophe“ [Kopetz, 1997].


         All other time-constraints are called soft.


         A guaranteed system response has to be explained without statistical arguments


CPS, ES and Real-Time Systems synonymous?


§  For some embedded systems, real-time behavior is less important (smart phones)


§  For CPS, real-time behavior is essential, hence RTS  CPS


§  CPS models also include a model of the physical system


§   ES models typically just model IT components CPS model (ES-) IT components model + physical model


§   Typically, CPS are reactive systems: “A reactive system is one which is in continual interaction with is environment and executes at a pace determined by that environment“ [Bergé, 1995] Dedicated towards a certain application Knowledge about behavior at design time can be used to minimize resources and to maximize robustness


§  Dedicateduserinterface


(no mouse, keyboard and screen)

Situation is slowly changing here: systems become less dedicated


Characteristics a nd Challenges of RTS


Real-time syste ms are computing systems in which the m eeting of timing constraints is essential to correctness.


     If the system d elivers the correct answer, but after a cert ain deadline, it could be regarded as having failed.


Types of Real-Time Systems


Hard real-time system


A system where “something very bad” happens if the deadline is not met.


Examples: co ntrol systems for aircraft, nucluear reactors, chemical power plants, jet engines, etc.


Soft real-time system


A system where the performance is degraded below what is generally considered acceptable if the d eadline is missed.


Example: multimedia system






Real-time compu ting deals with all problems in computer arc hitecture, fault-tolerant computing and operating systems are also problems in real-time


computing, wit h the added complexity of having to meet real-time constraints

Real-time compu ter systems differ from general-purpose systems


They are more specific in their applications

The consequence s of their failure are more drastic Emphasis is placed on meeting task deadlines

Example Problems

Example 1: Task Scheduling


General-purpose system can use round-robin scheduling


This is NOT suitable for real-time systems because high-priority tasks may miss their deadlines with round-robin scheduling


A priority mechanism is necessary


Example 2: Cache Usage Scheduling


A general-purpose system typically allows the process that is currently executing the right to use the entire cache area


This keeps the cache miss rate low

Side effect: task run times are less predictable


–  Thus, not so desirable for real-time systems


Real-time systems can be constructed [out] of sequential programs, but typically they are built [out] of concurrent programs, called tasks.


Tasks are usually divided into:


Periodic tasks: consist of an infinite sequence of identical activities, called instances, which are invoked within regular time periods.


Non-periodic [or aperiodic] : are invoked by the occurrence of an event. [Sporadic : aperiodic tasks with a bounded interarrival time]





Offline scheduling:


The scheduler has complete knowledge of the task set and its constraints.

Online scheduling:


Make their scheduling decisions during run-time.



Is the maximum time within which the task must complete its execution with respect to an event.


Real-time systems are divided into two classes, hard and soft real-time systems



At this point we must check that the temporal requirements of the system can be satisfied, assuming time budgets assigned in the detailed design stage.


In other words, we need to make a schedulability analysis of the system based on the temporal requirements of each component




Multi-tasking OS designed to permit tasks (processes) to complete within precisely stated deadlines


If deadline constraints cannot be met for a new task, it may be rejected

If a new task would result in deadline violations for other tasks, it may be rejected

Example commercial operating systems


Vrtx – Mentor Graphics Systems VxWorks and pSOS – Wind River Systems


RTLinux – FSMLabs, later acquired by Wind River Systems



Definition: A system that can exist in multiple states (one state at a time) and transition from one state to another



A series of system states


Each state requires one or more functions

Rules exist to determine when to transition from one state to another


Typical Solution

Every time tick, the system should check if it is time to transition to the next state


When it is time to transition, appropriate control variables are updated to reflect the new state Categories


Timed Multi-state systems: Transitions depend only on time Input-based multi-state system:

Transitions depend only on external input


Not commonly used due to danger of indefinite wait Input-based/Timed Multi-state systems: Transitions depend both on external input and time


Example Timed System:

Traffic Light









Time Constants


#define RED_DURATION 20




§  #define AMBER_DURATION 5


State Update Code switch (Light_state_G)


case RED:



Red_light = ON; Amber_light = OFF; Green_light = OFF;

if (++Time_in_state == RED_DURATION)




Light_state_G = RED_AND_AMBER; Time_in_state = 0;






§  }


Example Timed System:

Robotic Dinosaur

§   States:



Input/Timed Systems


Two or more states

Each state associated with one or more function calls

Transition between states controlled by a combination of time and user input






Solution Characteristics

System keeps track of time


If a certain user input is detected, a state transition occurs

If no input occurs for a pre-determined period, a state transition occurs


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