Neuroparalytic Keratitis
Keratitis associated with palsy of the
ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve.
Palsy of the ophthalmic division of the
trigeminal nerve is lessfrequent that facial nerve palsy.
The trigeminal nerve is responsible for the cornea’s sensitivity
toexogenous influences. A conduction disturbance in the trigeminal nerve is
usually a sequela of damage to the
trigeminal ganglion from trauma, radiation therapy of an acoustic
neurinoma, or surgery. It will lead to loss
of corneal sen-sitivity. As a result of this loss of sensitivity, the
patient will not feel any sensa-tion of drying in the eye, and the blinking
frequency drops below the level required to ensure that the cornea remains
moist. As in exposure keratitis, superficial punctate lesions will form
initially, followed by larger epithelial defects that can progress to a corneal
ulcer if bacterial superinfection occurs.
Because patients with loss of trigeminal
function are free of pain,they will experience only slight symptoms such as a
foreign body sensation or an eyelid swelling.
Corneal damage, usually central or
slightlybelow the center of the cornea, may range from superficial punctate
keratitis (visible after application of fluorescein dye) to a deep corneal
ulcer with per-foration. The eye will be red and in extreme cases may be
leaking aqueous humor.
Corneal ulcer due to herpes virus infection.
This is essentiallyidentical to treatment of exposure keratitis. Itincludes moistening
the cornea, antibiotic protection as prophylaxis against infection, and, if conservative
methods are unsuccessful, tarsorrhaphy.
These changes are generally the result of a
corneal trauma.
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