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Chapter: Embedded Systems

Intruder Alarm System

In this case study, we will consider the design and implementation of a small intruder alarm system suitable for detecting attempted thefts in a home or business environment Figure


Intruder Alarm System


In this case study, we will consider the design and implementation of a small intruder alarm  system suitable for detecting attempted thefts in a home or business environment Figure


Figure  shows  the same gallery with the alarm system installed. In this figure, each of the  windows has a sensor to detect class breakage. A magnetic sensor is also attached to the door. In each case, the sensors appear to be simple switches as far as the alarm system is concerned. Foll fig also shows a ‘bell box’ outside the property: this will sound if an intruder is detected

Inside the door (in Figure 10.2), we have the alarm control panel: this consists mainly of a small keypad, plus an additional ‘buzzer’ to indicate that the alarm has sounded. The alarm system is


designed in such a way that the user – having set the alarm by entering a four-digit password – has time to open the door and leave the room before the monitoring process starts. Similarly, if the user opens the door when the system is armed, he or she will have time to enter the password before the alarm begins to sound. When initially activated, the system is in ‘Disarmed’ state.


_ In Disarmed state, the sensors are ignored. The alarm does not sound. The system remains in this state until the user enters a valid password via the keypad (in our demonstration system, the password is ‘1234’). When a valid password is entered, the systems enters ‘Arming’ state.


_ In Arming state, the system waits for 60 seconds, to allow the user to leave the area before the monitoring process begins. After 60 seconds, the system enters ‘Armed’ state.


_ In Armed state, the status of the various system sensors is monitored. If a window sensor is tripped,31 the system enters ‘Intruder’ state. If the door sensor is tripped, the system enters ‘Disarming’ state.


The keypad activity is also monitored: if a correct password is typed in, the system enters ‘Disarmed’ state.


_ In Disarming state, we assume that the door has been opened by someone who may be an authorized system user.


The system remains in this state for up to 60 seconds, after which – by default – it enters Intruder state. If, during the 60- second period, the user enters the correct password, the system enters ‘Disarmed’ state.


_ In Intruder state, an alarm will sound. The alarm will keep sounding (indefinitely), until the correct password is entered


_ The embedded operating system, sEOS,.


_ A simple ‘keypad’ library, based on a bank of switches.This final system would probably use at least 10 keys (see Figure 10.3): support for additional keys can be easily added if required.


_ The RS-232 library Running the program

The software

Part of the intruder-alarm code

Part of the intruder-alarm code (Main.C)


Main.c (v1.00)


Simple intruder alarm system.



#include "Main.H"

#include "Port.H"

#include "Simple_EOS.H"

#include "PC_O_T1.h"

#include "Keypad.h"

#include "Intruder.h"

/* ......................................................... */

void main(void)


// Set baud rate to 9600



//  Prepare the keypad KEYPAD_Init();


//  Prepare the intruder alarm INTRUDER_Init();


//  Set up simple EOS (5ms tick) sEOS_Init_Timer2(5); while(1) // Super Loop



sEOS_Go_To_Sleep(); // Enter idle mode to save power


} Part of the intruder-alarm code (Intruder.H)


Intruder.H (v1.00)


– See Intruder.C for details.


#include "Main.H"

// ------ Public function prototypes --------------------------


void INTRUDER_Init(void); void INTRUDER_Update(void);


Part of the intruder-alarm code (Intruder.C)


Intruder.C (v1.00)


Multi-state framework for intruder alarm system.


#include "Main.H"


#include "Port.H" #include "Intruder.H" #include "Keypad.h" #include "PC_O.h"

// ------ Private data type declarations ----------------------


Possible system states





//  ------ Private function prototypes -------------------------

bit INTRUDER_Get_Password_G(void);


bit INTRUDER_Check_Window_Sensors(void); bit INTRUDER_Check_Door_Sensor(void); void INTRUDER_Sound_Alarm(void);

//  ------ Private variables -------------

void INTRUDER_Init(void)



//  Set the initial system state (DISARMED) System_state_G = DISARMED;


//  Set the 'time in state' variable to 0

State_call_count_G = 0;


//  Clear the keypad buffer KEYPAD_Clear_Buffer();


//  Set the 'New state' flag New_state_G = 1;


//  Set the (two) sensor pins to 'read' mode Window_sensor_pin = 1;


Sounder_pin = 1;



/* --------------------------------------------------------- */ void INTRUDER_Update(void)



//  Incremented every time

if (State_call_count_G < 65534)







//  Call every 50 ms switch (System_state_G)




if (New_state_G)



PC_LINK_O_Write_String_To_Buffer("\nDisarmed"); New_state_G = 0;


//  Make sure alarm is switched off

Sounder_pin = 1;

// Wait for correct password ...

if (INTRUDER_Get_Password_G() == 1)


System_state_G = ARMING;


New_state_G = 1;

State_call_count_G = 0;





case ARMING:


if (New_state_G)



New_state_G = 0;



// Remain here for 60 seconds (50 ms tick assumed)


if (++State_call_count_G > 1200)


System_state_G = ARMED;

New_state_G = 1;

State_call_count_G = 0;





case ARMED:


if (New_state_G)



New_state_G = 0;


// First, check the window sensors

if (INTRUDER_Check_Window_Sensors() == 1)


// An intruder detected

System_state_G = INTRUDER;

New_state_G = 1;

State_call_count_G = 0;



// Next, check the door sensors

if (INTRUDER_Check_Door_Sensor() == 1)


// May be authorised user – go to 'Disarming' state

System_state_G = DISARMING;


New_state_G = 1;


State_call_count_G = 0;




// Finally, check for correct password

if (INTRUDER_Get_Password_G() == 1)


System_state_G = DISARMED;

New_state_G = 1;

State_call_count_G = 0;







if (New_state_G)




New_state_G = 0;


// Remain here for 60 seconds (50 ms tick assumed)

// to allow user to enter the password

// – after time up, sound alarm

if (++State_call_count_G > 1200)


System_state_G = INTRUDER;

New_state_G = 1;

State_call_count_G = 0;




// Still need to check the window sensors


if (INTRUDER_Check_Window_Sensors() == 1)


// An intruder detected

System_state_G = INTRUDER;

New_state_G = 1;

State_call_count_G = 0;



// Finally, check for correct password

if (INTRUDER_Get_Password_G() == 1)


System_state_G = DISARMED;

New_state_G = 1;

State_call_count_G = 0;








if (New_state_G)



PC_LINK_O_Write_String_To_Buffer("\n** INTRUDER! **"); New_state_G = 0;




// Sound the alarm! INTRUDER_Sound_Alarm();


// Keep sounding alarm until we get correct password if (INTRUDER_Get_Password_G() == 1)




System_state_G = DISARMED;


New_state_G = 1;

State_call_count_G = 0;



} } }

/* --------------------------------------------------------- */

bit INTRUDER_Get_Password_G(void)


signed char Key;

tByte Password_G_count = 0;

tByte i;


//  Update the keypad buffer KEYPAD_Update();


//  Are there any new data in the keypad buffer?

if (KEYPAD_Get_Data_From_Buffer(&Key) == 0)



//  No new data – password can’t be correct return 0;



//  If we are here, a key has been pressed

//  How long since last key was pressed?


//  Must be pressed within 50 seconds (assume 50 ms 'tick') if (State_call_count_G > 1000)



//  More than 50 seconds since last key

//  – restart the input process


State_call_count_G = 0; Position_G = 0;




if (Position_G == 0)






Input_G[Position_G] = Key;

// Have we got four numbers?

if ((++Position_G) == 4)


Position_G = 0;

Password_G_count = 0;

// Check the password

for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)


if (Input_G[i] == Password_G[i])



} } }


if (Password_G_count == 4)



//  Password correct return 1;





//  Password NOT correct

return 0;



} /* ---


bit INTRUDER_Check_Door_Sensor(void)



//  Single door sensor (access route) if (Door_sensor_pin == 0)



//  Someone has opened the door...

PC_LINK_O_Write_String_To_Buffer(’\nDoor open’);

return 1;


// Default

return 0;


/* --------------------------------------------------------- */

void INTRUDER_Sound_Alarm(void)


if (Alarm_bit)


// Alarm connected to this pin

Sounder_pin = 0;

Alarm_bit = 0;




Sounder_pin = 1;

Alarm_bit = 1;





---- END OF FILE ---------------------------------------------*-


Figure shows one possible organization for an embedded system.


An embedded system encompasses the CPU as well as many other resources.


In addition to the CPU and memory hierarchy, there are a variety of interfaces that enable the system to measure, manipulate, and otherwise interact with the external environment. Some differences with desktop computing may be:


The human interface may be as simple as a flashing light or as complicated as real-time robotic vision.


     The diagnostic port may be used for diagnosing the system that is being controlled -- not just for diagnosing the computer.


Special-purpose field programmable (FPGA), application specific (ASIC), or even non-digital hardware may be used to increase performance or safety.


Software often has a fixed function, and is specific to the application.


In addition to the emphasis on interaction with the external world, embedded systems also provide functionality specific to their applications. Instead of executing spreadsheets, word processing and engineering analysis, embedded systems typically execute control laws, finite state machines, and signal processing algorithms. They must often detect and react to faults in both the computing and surrounding electromechanical systems, and must manipulate application-specific user interface devices.


Table 1. Four example embedded systems with approximate attributes.


In order to make the discussion more concrete, we shall discuss four example systems (Table 1). Each example portrays a real system in current production, but has been slightly genericized to represent a broader cross-section of applications as well as protect proprietary interests. The four examples are a Signal Processing system, a Mission Critical control system, a Distributed control system, and a Small consumer electronic system. The Signal Processing and Mission Critical systems are representative of traditional military/aerospace embedded systems, but in fact are becoming more applicable to general commercial applications over time.


Using these four examples to illustrate points, the following sections describe the different areas of concern for embedded system design: computer design, system-level design, life-cycle support, business model support, and design culture adaptation.


Desktop computing design methodology and tool support is to a large degree concerned with initial design of the digital system itself. To be sure, experienced designers are cognizant of other aspects, but with the recent emphasis on quantitative design  life-cycle issues that aren't readily quantified could be left out of the optimization process. However, such an approach is insufficient to create embedded systems that can  effectively compete in the marketplace. This is because in many cases the issue is not whether design of an immensely complex system is feasible, but rather whether a relatively modest system can be highly optimized for life-cycle cost and effectiveness.


While traditional digital design CAD tools can make a computer designer more efficient, they may not deal with the central issue -- embedded design is about the system, not about the computer. In desktop computing, design often focuses on building the fastest CPU, then supporting it as required for maximum computing speed. In embedded systems the combination of the external interfaces (sensors, actuators) and the control or sequencing algorithms is or primary importance. The CPU simply exists as a way to implement those functions. The following experiment should serve to illustrate this point: ask a roomful of people what kind of CPU is in the personal computer or workstation they use. Then ask the same people which CPU is used for the engine controller in their car (and whether the CPU type influenced the purchasing decision).


In high-end embedded systems, the tools used for desktop computer design are invaluable. However, many embedded systems both large and small must meet additional requirements that are beyond the scope of what is typically handled by design automation. These additional needs fall into the categories of special computer design requirements, system-level requirements, life-cycle support issues, business model compatibility, and design culture issues.





Figure shows one view of a product life-cycle.

First a need or opportunity to deploy new technology is identified. Then a product concept is developed. This is followed by concurrent product and manufacturing process design, production, and deployment. But in many embedded systems, the designer must see past deployment and take into account support, maintenance, upgrades, and system retirement issues in order to actually create a profitable design. Some of the issues affecting this life-cycle profitability are discussed below.





Because an embedded system may be more application-driven than a typical technology-driven desktop computer design, there may be more leeway in component selection. Thus, component acquisition costs can be taken into account when optimizing system life-cycle cost. For example, the cost of a component generally decreases with quantity, so design decisions for multiple designs should be coordinated to share common components to the benefit of all.


Design challenge:


Life-cycle, cross-design component cost models and optimization rather than simple per-unit cost.





system certification


Embedded computers can affect the safety as well as the performance the system. Therefore, rigorous qualification procedures are necessary in some systems after any design change in order to assess and reduce the risk of malfunction or unanticipated system failure. This additional cost can negate any savings that might have otherwise been realized by a design improvement in the embedded computer or its software. This point in particular hinders use of new technology by resynthesizing hardware components -- the redesigned components cannot be used without incurring the cost of system recertification.


One strategy to minimize the cost of system recertification is to delay all design changes until major system upgrades occur. As distributed embedded systems come into more widespread use, another likely strategy is to partition the system in such a way as to minimize the number of subsystems that need to be recertified when changes occur. This is a partitioning problem affected by potential design changes, technology insertion strategies, and regulatory requirements.


Design challenge:


Partitioning/synthesis to minimize recertification costs.


logistics and repair


Whenever an embedded computer design is created or changed, it affects the downstream maintenance of the product. A failure of the computer can cause the entire system to be unusable until the computer is repaired. In many cases embedded systems must be repairable in a few minutes to a few hours, which implies that spare components and maintenance personnel must be located close to the system. A fast repair time may also imply that extensive diagnosis and data collection capabilities must be built into the system, which may be at odds with keeping production costs low.



Because of the long system lifetimes of many embedded systems, proliferation of design variations can cause significant logistics expenses. For example, if a component design is changed it can force changes in spare component inventory, maintenance test equipment, maintenance procedures, and maintenance training. Furthermore, each design change should be tested for compatibility with various system configurations, and accommodated by the configuration management database.


Design challenge:


Designs optimized to minimize spares inventory.

High-coverage diagnosis and self-test at system level, not just digital component level.




Because of the long life of many embedded systems, upgrades to electronic components and software may be used to update functionality and extend the life of the embedded system with respect to competing with replacement equipment. While it may often be the case that an electronics upgrade involves completely replacing circuit boards, it is important to realize that the rest of the system will remain unchanged. Therefore, any special behaviors, interfaces, and undocumented features must be taken into account when performing the upgrade. Also, upgrades may be subject to recertification requirements.


Of special concern is software in an upgraded system. Legacy software may not be executable on upgraded replacement hardware, and may not be readily cross-compiled to the new target CPU. Even worse, timing behavior is likely to be different on newer hardware, but may be both undocumented and critical to system operation.


Design challenge:


Ensuring complete interface, timing, and functionality compatibility when upgrading designs.


Long-term component availability


When embedded systems are more than a few years old, some electronic components may no longer be available for production of new equipment or replacements. This problem can be especially troublesome with obsolete processors and small-sized dynamic memory chips.


When a product does reach a point at which spare components are no longer economically available, the entire embedded computer must sometimes be redesigned or upgraded. This redesign might need to take place even if the system is no longer in production, depending on the availability of a replacement system. This problem is a significant concern on the Distributed example system.


Design challenge:


Cost-effectively update old designs to incorporate new components



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