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Chapter: Modern Analytical Chemistry: Equilibrium Chemistry

Equilibrium Chemistry

Equilibrium Chemistry
Regardless of the problem on which an analytical chemist is working, its solution ultimately requires a knowledge of chemistry and the ability to reason with that knowledge.

Equilibrium Chemistry

Regardless of the problem on which an analytical chemist is working, its solution ultimately requires a knowledge of chemistry and the ability to reason with that knowledge. For example, an analytical chemist developing a method for studying the effect of pollution on spruce trees needs to know, or know where to find, the structural and chemical differences between p-hydroxybenzoic acid and p-hydroxyacetophenone, two common phenols found in the needles of spruce trees (Figure 6.1). Chemical reasoning is a product of experience and is constructed from knowledge acquired in the classroom, the laboratory, and the chemical literature.

The material in this text assumes familiarity with topics covered in the courses and laboratory work you have already completed.


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