Embedded system:
embedded system is a special-purpose computer system designed to perform a
dedicated function Unlike a general-purpose computer, such as a personal
computer, an embedded system performs one or a few pre-defined tasks, usually
with very specific requirements, and often includes task-specific hardware and
mechanical parts not usually found in a general-purpose computer.
Embedded computer System: Any
device that includes a programmable computer but is not itself intended to be a general-purpose computer is called
embedded computer system.
Embedding Computers
have been embedded into applications since the earliest days of computing.Eg)
Whirlwind. a computer designed at MIT in the late 1940s and early 1950s.
Whirlwind was also the first computer designed to support real-time operation
and was originally conceived as a mechanism for controlling an aircraft
microprocessor is a single-chip CPU. The first microprocessor, the Intel 4004,
was designed for an embedded application, namely, a calculator. Microprocessors
come in many different levels of sophistication; they are usually classified by
their word size. Microprocessors execute programs very efficiently.
microcontroller is designed for low-cost applications and includes
and I/O devices;
microcontroller is often used for more sophisticated applications that
may require either longer word lengths or off-chip I/O and memory;
A 32-bit RISC microprocessor offers very high
performance for computation-intensive applications.
Why use microprocessors?
ü Microprocessors
are a very efficient way to implement digital systems.
ü Microprocessors
make it easier to design families of products that can be built to provide
various feature sets at different price points and can be extended to provide new features to keep up with rapidly changing
Ø Characteristics of Embedded Computing Applications
computing is in many ways much more demanding than the sort of programs that
you may have written for PCs or workstations. On the one hand, embedded
computing systems have to provide sophisticated functionality:
■ Complex
algorithms: The operations performed by the microprocessor
may be very sophisticated. For example, the microprocessor that controls
an automobile engine must perform complicated filtering functions to optimize
the performance of the car while minimizing pollution and fuel utilization.
■ User
interface: Microprocessors are frequently used to control
complex user interfaces that may include multiple menus and many
options. The moving maps in Global Positioning System (GPS) navigation are good
examples of sophisticated user interfaces.
Deadlines involves:
■ Real time: Many
embedded computing systems have to perform in real time if the data is not ready
by a certain deadline, the system breaks. In some cases, failure to meet a
deadline is unsafe and can even endanger lives. In other cases, missing a
deadline does not create safety problems but does create unhappy
customers—missed deadlines in printers, can result in scrambled pages.
■ Multirate: Many embedded computing systems
have several real-time activities going on at the same time. They may
simultaneously control some operations that run at slow rates and others that
run at high rates. Multimedia applications are prime examples of multirate
behavior. The audio and video portions of a multimedia stream run at very
different rates, but they must remain closely synchronized.
Costs of
various sorts are also very important:
■ Manufacturing
cost: The total cost of building the
system is very important in many cases. Manufacturing cost is determined by
many factors, including the type of microprocessor used, the amount of memory
required, and the types of I/O devices.
■ Power and
energy: Power consumption directly
affects the cost of the hardware, since a larger power supply may be necessary. Energy consumption affects battery
life, which is important in many applications,as well as heat consumption,
which can be important even in desktop applications.
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