between torque and angular acceleration
Let us consider a rigid body rotating about a
fixed axis X0X′ with angular velocity ω (Fig.).
The force acting on a particle of mass m1
situated at A, at a distance r1,
from the axis of rotation = mass ? acceleration
= m1 ? d/dt(r1ω)
= (m1 r1)dω /dt
= (m1 r1)d2θ/dt2
The moment of this force about
the axis of rotation
= Force ? perpendicular
= (m1 r1)d2θ/dt2
x r1
Therefore, the total moment
of all the forces acting on all the particles
or τ = Iα
where ∑ m1r12
= moment of inertia I of the rigid body and α = d2 θ /dt2
angular acceleration.
Relation between torque and angular momentum
The angular momentum of a
rotating rigid body is, L = I ω
Differentiating the above
equation with respect to time,
dL/dt = I(d ω /dt) = Ia
where α = dω/dt angular
acceleration of the body.
But torque τ = Iα
Therefore, torque τ = dL/dt
Thus the rate of change of
angular momentum of a body is equal to the external torque acting upon the
Conservation of angular momentum
The angular momentum of a
rotating rigid body is, L = I ω
The torque acting on a rigid
body is, τ = dL/dt
When no external torque acts on the system, τ =dL/ dt = 0
(i.e) L = I ω = constant
Total angular momentum of the body = constant
when no external torque acts on the body, the net angular momentum of a
rotating rigid body remains constant. This is known as law of conservation of
angular momentum.
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