The brain also has areas that integrate and process various sensory information and then perform com-plicated and complex motor activities and analytic functions (Figure 5.37). The prefrontal areas inte-grate information from sensory association areas and perform various intellectual functions. Based on past experience, this area is able to predict the consequences of different responses. Frustration, anxiety, and tension may be generated.
This area, usually located on the left hemisphere (Fig-ure 5.37A), is important in integrating visual and au-ditory memory. Injury to this area affects the ability to understand and interpret what is seen or heard. Indi-vidual words may be understood but, when words are put together, the meaning may not be interpreted.
This center, the Broca’s speech area, is located near the Wernicke’s area, in the same hemisphere along the precentral gyrus. This center regulates respira-tion and the various muscles required for speech.
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