Heat and Thermodynamics - Introduction
In early days, according to caloric theory of heat, heat was
regarded as an invisible and weightless fluid called ?caloric?. The two bodies
at different temperatures placed in contact attain thermal equilibrium by the
exchange of caloric. The caloric flows from the hot body to the cold body, till
their temperature becomes equal. However, this theory failed to explain the
production of heat due to friction in the experiments conducted by Court
Rumford. Rubbing our hands against each other produces heat. Joule?s paddle
wheel experiment led to the production of heat by friction. These observations
led to the dynamic theory of heat, according to which heat is a form of energy called thermal energy.
Every body is made up of molecules. Depending on its nature and
temperature, the molecules may possess translatory motion, vibratory motion and
rotatory motion about its axis. Each type of motion provides some kinetic
energy to the molecules. Heat possessed by a body is the total thermal energy
of the body, which is the sum of kinetic energies of all the individual
molecules of the body.
Temperature of a body is the degree of hotness or coldness of
the body. Heat flows from a body at high temperature to a body at low
temperature when they are in contact with each other. Modern concept of
temperature follows from zeroth law of thermodynamics. Temperature is the thermal
state of the body, that decides the direction of flow of heat.
Temperature is now regarded as
one of the fundamental quantities.
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