de Moivre’s Theorem and its Applications
Abraham de Moivre (1667–1754) was one of the mathematicians to
use complex numbers in trigonometry.
The formula (cosθ + i sinθ )n = (cos nθ + i sin nθ ) known by his name, was instrumental in
bringing trigonometry out of the realm of geometry and into that of analysis.
de Moivre’s Theorem
Given any complex number cosθ + i sinθ and any integer n,
(cosθ + i sinθ )n = cos nθ
+ i sin nθ .
(1) (cosθ - i sinθ )n = cos nθ -
i sin nθ
(2) (cosθ + i sinθ )-n = cos nθ -
i sin nθ
(3) (cosθ - i sinθ )-n = cos nθ +
i sin nθ
(4) sinθ + i cosθ = i (cosθ -
i sinθ ) .
Now let us apply de Moivre’s theorem to simplify complex numbers and to find solution of equations.
Example 2.28
If z = (cosθ + i sinθ ) , show that zn + 1/ zn = 2 cos nθ and zn – [1/ zn] = 2i sin nθ
Let z = (cosθ + i sinθ ) .
By de Moivre’s theorem ,
zn = (cosθ + i sinθ )n = cos nθ + i sin nθ
Example 2.29
Example 2.30
Example 2.31
(i) (1+ i)18
(ii) (-√3 + 3i)31 .
(i) (1+ i)18
Let 1+ i = r (cosθ + i sinθ ) .
Then, we get
(ii) (-√3 + 3i)31 .
Let -√3 + 3i = r (cosθ + i sinθ ) .
Then, we get
Raising power 31 on both sides,
de Moivre’s formula can be used to obtain roots of complex numbers. Suppose n is a positive integer and a complex number ω is n th root of z denoted by z1/ n , then we have
ωn = z
Let ω = ρ (cosϕ
+ i sinϕ ) and
z = r (cosθ + i sinθ ) = r (cos(θ
+ 2kπ ) + i sin (θ + 2kπ )), k ∈ Z
Since w is the nth root of z , then
ωn = z
⇒ ρn (cosϕ + i sinϕ)n = r (cos(θ + 2kπ ) + i sin (θ + 2kπ )) , k ∈ Z
By de Moivre’s theorem,
⇒ ρn (cosnϕ + i sinnϕ) = r (cos (θ + 2kπ ) + i sin (θ + 2kπ )), k ∈ Z
Comparing the moduli and arguments, we get
Although there are infinitely many values of k ,
the distinct values of ω are obtained when k = 0,1,
2, 3,K, n −1. When k
= n, n +1, n + 2,K we get the same roots at regular intervals
(cyclically). Therefore the nth roots of complex number z = r (cosθ
+ i sinθ ) are
If we set ω = the formula for the n th roots of
a complex number has a
nice geometric interpretation, as shown in Figure. Note that because | ω
| = n√r the n roots
all have the same modulus n√r they all lie on a circle of radius n√r with centre at the
origin. Furthermore, the n roots are equally spaced along the circle, because
successive n roots have arguments that differ by 2π/n .
(i) General form of de Moivre's Theorem
If x is rational, then cos xθ + i sin xθ is one of the values
of (cosθ + i sinθ )x .
(ii) Polar form of unit circle
Let z = eiθ = cosθ + i sinθ . Then, we get
|z|2 = |cosθ + i sinθ|2
⇒ | x + iy|2 = cos2θ + sin2θ = 1
⇒ x2 + y2 = 1.
Therefore, |z| = 1 represents a unit circle (radius one) centre
at the origin.
The solutions of the equation zn = 1 , for positive values
of integer n , are the n roots of the unity.
In polar form the equation zn = 1 can be written as
zn = cos (0 + 2kπ) + i sin (0 + 2kπ) = ei2kπ , k = 0, 1, 2,…..
Using deMoivre’s theorem, we find the nth roots of unity from
the equation given below:
Given a positive integer n , a complex number z is
called an n th root of unity if and only if zn = 1.
If we denote the complex number by ω , then
Therefore ω is an nth root of unity. From equation (1), the complex numbers 1,ω,ω2 ,... ...,ωn-1 are nth roots of unity. The complex numbers 1,ω,ω2 ,... ...,ωn-1 are the points in the complex plane and are the vertices of a regular polygon of n sides inscribed in a unit circle as shown in Fig 2.45. Note that because the n th roots all have the same modulus 1, they will lie on a circle of radius 1 with centre at the origin. Furthermore, the n roots are equally spaced along the circle, because successive n th roots have arguments that differ by 2π/n .
The nth roots of unity 1,ω,ω2 ,... ...,ωn-1 are in geometric progression with common ratio
Therefore 1+ ω + ω2 +… + ωn-1 = 1- ωn / 1- ω = 0 since ωn = 1 and ω ≠ 1 .
The sum of all the nth roots of unity is
1+ ω + ω2 +… + ωn-1 = 0
The product of n, nth roots of unit is
1ωω2 ... ...ωn-1 = ω0+1+2+3+... ...+(n-1) = ω[(n-1)n]/2
The product of all the nth roots of unity is
1ωω2 ... ...ωn-1 = (-1)n-1
(1) All the n roots of nth roots unity are in Geometrical Progression
(2) Sum of the n roots of nth roots unity is always
equal to zero.
(3) Product of the n roots of nth roots unity is equal to
(-1)n-1 .
(4) All the n roots of nth roots unity lie on the circumference of a circle whose centre is at the origin and radius equal to 1 and these roots divide the circle into n equal parts and form a polygon of n sides.
Example 2.32
Find the cube roots of unity.
We have to find 11/3 . Let z = 11/3 then z3 = 1.
In polar form, the equation z3 = 1 can be written as
z3 = cos(0 + 2kπ) + i sin(0 + 2kπ) = ei2kπ , k = 0, 1, 2,...
Example 2.33
Find the fourth roots of unity.
We have to find 11/4. Let z =11/4 . Then z4 = 1 .
In polar form, the equation z4 = 1 can be written as
z4 = cos (0 + 2kπ ) + i sin (0 + 2kπ ) = ei2kπ , k = 0, 1,
(i) In this chapter the letter ω is used for nth roots of unity.
Therefore the value of ω is depending on n as shown in following table.
(ii) The complex number zeiθ is a rotation of z by θ radians in the counter
clockwise direction about the origin.
Example 2.34
Solve the equation z3 + 8i = 0 , where z ∈ C.
Let z3 + 8i = 0 . Then, we get
z3 = -8i
Find all cube roots of √3 + i
We have to find (√3 + i)1/3. Let z3 = √3 + i = r (cosθ + i sinθ )
Suppose z1 , z2, and z3 are the vertices of an equilateral triangle inscribed in the
circle |z| = 2. If z1 = 1+ i√3 , then find z2 and z3.
|z| = 2 represents the circle with centre (0, 0) and radius 2.
Let A, B, and C be the vertices of the given triangle. Since the
vertices z1 , z2 , and z3 form an equilateral
triangle inscribed in the circle |z| = 2 , the sides of this triangle AB, BC,
and CA subtend 2π/3 radians (120 degree) at the origin (circumcenter of the
(The complex number z eiθ is a rotation of z by θ radians in the counter
clockwise direction about the origin.)
Therefore, we can obtain z2 and z3 by the rotation of z1 by 2π/3 and 4 π/3
Given that
Therefore, z2 = -2, and z3 = 1- i√3.
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