Liver Abscesses
categories of liver abscess have been identified: amebic and pyogenic. Amebic
liver abscesses are most commonly caused by Entamoeba
histolytica. Most amebic liver abscesses occur in thedeveloping countries
of the tropics and subtropics because of poor sanitation and hygiene. Pyogenic
liver abscesses are much less common but are more common in developed countries
than the amebic type.
Whenever an infection develops anywhere along the biliary or GI tract, infecting organisms may reach the liver through the biliary system, portal venous system, or hepatic arterial or lymphatic system.
Most bacteria are destroyed promptly, but occasionally some gain a foothold.
The bacterial toxins destroy the neighbor-ing liver cells, and the resulting
necrotic tissue serves as a protec-tive wall for the organisms.
leukocytes migrate into the infected area. The re-sult is an abscess cavity
full of a liquid containing living and dead leukocytes, liquefied liver cells,
and bacteria. Pyogenic abscesses of this type may be either single or multiple
and small. Examples of causes of pyogenic liver abscess include cholangitis and
ab-dominal trauma.
clinical picture is one of sepsis with few or no localizing signs. Fever with
chills and diaphoresis, malaise, anorexia, nau-sea, vomiting, and weight loss
may occur. The patient may complain of dull abdominal pain and tenderness in
the right upper quadrant of the abdomen. Hepatomegaly, jaundice, ane-mia, and
pleural effusion may develop. Sepsis and shock may be severe and
life-threatening. In the past, the mortality rate was 100% because of the vague
clinical symptoms, inadequate di-agnostic tools, and inadequate surgical
drainage of the abscess. With the aid of ultrasound, CT and MRI scans, and
liver scans, early diagnosis and surgical drainage of the abscess have greatly
reduced the mortality rate.
cultures are obtained but may not identify the organism. Aspiration of the
liver abscess, guided by ultrasound, CT, or MRI, may be performed to assist in
diagnosis and to obtain cultures of the organism. Percutaneous drainage of
pyogenic abscesses is carried out to evacuate the abscess material and promote
healing. A catheter may be left in place for continuous drainage; the patient
must be instructed about its management.
includes IV antibiotic therapy; the specific antibiotic used in treatment
depends on the organism identified. Continuous supportive care is indicated
because of the serious condition of the patient. Open surgical drainage may be
required if antibiotic ther-apy and percutaneous drainage are ineffective.
the manifestations of liver abscess vary with the type of abscess, most
patients appear acutely ill. Others appear to be chronically ill and
debilitated. The nursing management depends on the patient’s physical status
and the medical management that is indicated. For patients who undergo
evacuation and drainage of the abscess, monitoring of the drainage and skin
care are impera-tive. Strategies must be implemented to contain the drainage
and to protect the patient from other sources of infection. Vital signs are
monitored to detect changes in the patient’s physical status. Deterioration in
vital signs or the onset of new symptoms such as increasing pain, which may
indicate rupture or extension of the abscess, is reported promptly. The nurse
administers IV antibiotic therapy as prescribed. The white blood cell count and
other labo-ratory test results are monitored closely for changes consistent
with worsening infection. The nurse prepares the patient for discharge by
providing instruction about symptom management, signs and symptoms that should
be reported to the physician, management of drainage, and the importance of
taking antibiotics as prescribed.
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