and gonorrhea are the most common causes of endo-cervicitis, although
Mycoplasma may also be involved. Chlamydia causes about 3 million infections
every year in the United States; it is most commonly found in young, sexually
active people with more than one partner and is transmitted through sexual
inter-course (U.S. Surgeon General’s Report, 2001). It can result in serious
complications, including pelvic infection, an increased risk for ectopic
pregnancy, and infertility. Up to 40% of un-treated women develop pelvic
inflammatory disease (PID). One in 20 women of reproductive age in the United
States is infected. Chlamydial infections of the cervix often produce no
symptoms, but cervical discharge, dyspareunia, dysuria, and bleeding may occur.
Other complications include conjunctivitis and peri-hepatitis. If a pregnant
woman is infected, stillbirth, neonatal death, and premature labor may occur.
Infants born to infected mothers may experience prematurity, conjunctivitis,
and pneumonia.
infection and gonorrhea often coexist. As many as 25% of females who have
chlamydial infections also have gonor-rhea. The inflamed cervix that results
from this infection may leave a woman more vulnerable to HIV transmission from
an in-fected partner. Gonorrhea is also a major cause of PID, tubal
in-fertility, ectopic pregnancy, and chronic pelvic pain. Fifty percent of
women with gonorrhea have no symptoms, but without treatment 40% may develop
PID. In males, urethritis and epididymi-tis may occur. Diagnosis can be
confirmed by culture, smear, or other methods, using a swab to obtain a sample
of cervical dis-charge or penile discharge from the patient’s partner.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recom-mends treating chlamydia
with doxycycline for 1 week or with a single dose of azithromycin. Because of
the high incidence of coin-fection with chlamydia and gonorrhea, treatment for
gonorrhea should include treatment for chlamydia as well (CDC, 2002). Partners
must also be treated. Pregnant women are cautioned not to take tetracycline
because of potential adverse effects on the fetus. In these cases, erythromycin
may be prescribed. Results are usually good if treatment begins early. Possible
complications from delayed treatment are tubal disease, ectopic pregnancy, PID,
and infertility.
for chlamydia and other STDs should be obtained from all patients who have been
sexually assaulted when they first seek medical attention; patients are treated
prophylactically. Cul-tures should then be repeated in 2 weeks. Annual
screening for chlamydia is recommended for all sexually active women 20 to 25
years of age and older women with new sex partners or multi-ple partners (CDC,
sexually active women may be at risk for chlamydia, gonor-rhea, and other STDs,
including HIV. Nurses can assist patients in assessing their own risk.
Recognition of risk is a first step be-fore changes in behavior occur. Patients
should be discouraged from assuming that a partner is “safe” without open,
honest dis-cussion. Nonjudgmental attitudes, educational counseling, and role
playing may all be helpful.
chlamydia, gonorrhea, and other STDs may have a serious effect on future health
and fertility and because many STDs can be prevented by the use of condoms and
spermicides and careful choice of partners, the nurse can play a major role in
talking with patients about how to make sex as safe as possible. Exploring
options with patients, determining their use of safer sex practices and their
knowledge deficits, and correcting misinfor-mation may prevent morbidity and
Nurses can
educate women andhelp them to develop communication skills and to initiate
dis-cussions about sex with their partners. Communicating with part-ners about
sex, risk, postponing intercourse, and using safer sex behaviors, including use
of condoms, may be lifesaving. Some young women report having sex with someone
but not being comfortable enough to discuss sexual risk issues. The nurse can
pose the question, “If you are uncomfortable talking about sex with this
person, how do you feel about having a sexual relation-ship with this person?”
the need for annual screening for chlamydia and other STDs is an important part
of patient teaching. Instructions also include the need for the patient to
abstain from sexual inter-course until all of her sex partners are treated
(CDC, 2002). The CDC has revised its guidelines and recommends rescreening of
all women with chlamydial infections 3 to 4 months after treatment is
completed; this is in an effort to protect young women from infertility.
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