Long-Term Complications of Diabetes
has been a steady decline in the number of deaths of dia-betic patients
attributable to ketoacidosis and infection, but an alarming rise in the number
of deaths from cardiovascular and renal complications. Long-term complications
are becoming morecommon as more people live longer with diabetes. The long-term
complications of diabetes can affect almost every organ system of the body. The
general categories of chronic diabetic complications are macrovascular disease,
microvascular disease, and neuropathy.
specific causes and pathogenesis of each type of compli-cation are still being
investigated. It appears, however, that in-creased levels of blood glucose may
play a role in neuropathic disease, microvascular complications, and risk
factors contribut-ing to macrovascular complications. Hypertension may also be
a major contributing factor, especially in macrovascular and micro-vascular
complications are seen in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes but usually do not
occur within the first 5 to 10 years of the diagnosis. However, evidence of
these complications may be present at the time of diagnosis of type 2 diabetes,
as the patient may have had undiagnosed diabetes for many years. Renal
(micro-vascular) disease is more prevalent among patients with type 1 diabetes,
and cardiovascular (macrovascular) complications are more prevalent among older
patients with type 2 diabetes.
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