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Chapter: Ophthalmology: Retina


Capillary hemangiomas or hemangioblastomas occur in angiomatosis retinae (von Hippel-Lindau disease).



Capillary hemangiomas or hemangioblastomas occur in angiomatosis retinae (von Hippel-Lindau disease).


Hemangiomas are rare.


These arebenigncongenital changes. There may be an autosomaldominant inheritance.


Loss of visual acuity will result where exudative retinal detach-ment develops. 

Findings and diagnostic considerations: 

Retinal hemangiomas are charac-terized by thickened tortuous arteries and veins (Figs. 12.37a and b). Bilateral changes are present in 50% of all patients.

Differential diagnosis: 

Coats’ disease, branching retinal hemangiomas inWyburn-Mason syndrome, and cavernous hemangiomas should be con-sidered. Cerebral hemangiomas, renal cysts, hypernephromas, and pheochro-mocytomas should also be excluded.


Retinal hemangiomas may be treated by laser or cryocauterytherapy. However, exudative retinal detachment will develop as the treat-ment increases this risk.

Clinical course and prognosis: 

The disorder is gradually progressive. Theprognosis for visual acuity is poor in the disorder where retinal detachment develops.


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