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Definition, Causes, Types, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Management, Prevention - Haemorrhoids (Piles) | 12th Nursing : Chapter 2 : Medical Surgical and Applied Nursing Management Psychology of Human Diseases

Chapter: 12th Nursing : Chapter 2 : Medical Surgical and Applied Nursing Management Psychology of Human Diseases

Haemorrhoids (Piles)

An abnormal mass of dilated and engorged blood vessels either internally in the anal canal or externally around the anus

Haemorrhoids (Piles)

Haemorrhoids, also known as piles are swelling containing enlarged blood vessels found inside or around the rectum and anus.



An abnormal mass of dilated and engorged blood vessels either internally in the anal canal or externally around the anus



               Straining during bowel movements

               Sitting for long periods of time on the toilet

               Chronic diarrhoea or constipation





               Internal haemorrhoids - inside the rectum.

               External haemorrhoids - around the anus.



               Painless bleeding during bowel movements

               Itching or irritation in anal region

               Pain or discomfort

               Swelling around the anus



               Digital rectal examination - to detect the unusual growths.

               Inspection - examine the lower portion of the colon and rectum with proctoscope

               Colonoscopy to examine the entire colon



               Home remedies

               Eat high-fibre foods (fruits, vegetables and whole grains.)

               Increase fluid intake

               Use topical ointment

               Sitz bath for 10 to 15 minutes, two to three times a day.

               Keep the anal area clean.

               Apply ice packs or cold compresses on anus to relieve swelling and pain


Medical management

               Lidocaine that can relieve pain and itching

               Sclerotherapy - injecting a chemical solution into the haemorrhoid to shrink it.

Surgical management

               Rubber band ligation. placing one or two tiny rubber bands around the base of haemorrhoid to cut off its circulation.


               Haemorrhoids stapling - Surgical staples block the blood flow to haemorrhoids


Nursing management

               Educate to take plenty of water.

               Care of drainage tubes



               Strangulated hemorrhoid.


               Anal fistula



               Eat high fibre foods.

               Drink plenty of fluids.

               Don't strain when trying to pass a stool

               Defecate as soon as the feeling of urge occurs


               Avoid long periods of sitting Obesity


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12th Nursing : Chapter 2 : Medical Surgical and Applied Nursing Management Psychology of Human Diseases : Haemorrhoids (Piles) | Definition, Causes, Types, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Management, Prevention

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12th Nursing : Chapter 2 : Medical Surgical and Applied Nursing Management Psychology of Human Diseases

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