Chapter: The Massage Connection ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY : Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology

Levels of Organization

There are many ways to view the human body.

Levels of Organization

There are many ways to view the human body. Each view gives a different perspective on how the makeup of the body and how the body works. It is similar to viewing a flower. We can look at a flower’s colors, with its green calyces and colorful petals, or we can view it’s shape (the shape of it’s petals or how they are arranged) or we can consider the flower’s smell. We can pull the flower apart and view the individual parts. To go further, we can put the flower under a magnifying glass and scrutinize the pollen. If we are really curious, we can take it to a laboratory and an-alyze the flower’s chemical makeup. So many different ways—each giving a different view and perspec-tive. 

Similarly, for a full understanding of the human body, we can study it in many ways. Here, we choose to view the organization of the body at the chemical level, cellular level, tissue level and, finally, the systemic level. More time will be spent at the systemic level.

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