Difference between a
particle and a wave
The concept of a particle and a wave can be
understood by the different points of distinction between them.
1. A particle occupies a
well-defined position in space i.e a
particle is localized in space e.g. a
grain of sand, a cricket ball etc.
2. When a particular space is occupied
by one particle, the same space cannot be occupied simultaneously by any other
particle. In other words, particles do not interfere.
3. When a number of particles are
present in a given region of space, their total value is equal to their sum i.e
it is neither less nor more.
1. a wave is spread out in space e.g. on
throwing a stone in a pond of water, the waves start moving out in the form of
concentric circles. Similarly, the sound of the speaker reaches everybody in
the audience. Thus a wave is delocalized in space.
2. Two or more waves can coexist in the
same region of space and hence interfere.
3. When a number of waves are present in
a given region of space, due to interference, the resultant wave can be larger
or smaller than the individual waves i.e. interference may be constructive or
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