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Chapter: Artificial Intelligence

Algorithm of Problem Solving

Any one algorithm for a particular problem is not applicable over all types of problems in a variety of situations. So there should be a general problem solving algorithm, which may work for different strategies of different problems.



Any one algorithm for a particular problem is not applicable over all types of problems in a variety of situations. So there should be a general problem solving algorithm, which may work for different strategies of different problems.


Algorithm (problem name and specification)

Step 1:

Analyze the problem to get the starting state and goal state.


Step 2:


Find out the data about the starting state, goalstate


Step 3:


Find out the production rules from initial database for proceeding the problem to goal state.


Step 4:


Select some rules from the set of rules that can be applied to data.


Step 5:


Apply those rules to the initial state and proceed to get the next state.


Step 6:


Determine some new generated states after applying the rules. Accordingly make them as current state.


Step 7:


Finally, achieve some information about the goal state from the recently used current state and get the goal state.


Step 8:




After applying the above rules an user may get the solution of the problem from a given state to another state. Let us take few examples.


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