1. Spallation reaction
These are the reactions in
which high speed projectiles may chip a heavy nucleus into several fragments.
29 Cu63 + 2He4 + 400 MeV ® 17Cl37 + 14 1H1 + 16 0n1
2. Nuclear fission reaction
Nuclear fission is the process in which a heavy nucleus
breaks up into two lighter nuclei of
almost equal size with the release of an enormous amount of energy. This type of nuclear fission reaction was first
observed by German Chemists Otto Hahn,
F.Strassman and Meitner by bombarding 92U235with slow moving
neutrons. The process is usually accompanied by emission of neutrons. The nuclear fission has been produced in heavy nuclei
such as 235U,238U, 232Th by neutrons, protons, deuterons.
Mechanism of fission
In the fission process, the
heavy nucleus absorbs a neutron and forms an unstable compound nucleus. The compound nucleus then breaks up more or
less in the middle to give fission product.
A typical example of the fission process in the fission
of uranium by neutrons is explained by
the following equation.
92 U235 + 0n1 ® 56Ba141 + 3 0n1 + 200 MeV
Further, the neutrons released (say three) from the
fission of first uranium atoms can hit three other uranium atoms. In this way a
chain reaction is set up resulting into
the liberation of an enormous amount of energy. In the case of nuclear fission,
92U236 formed breaks up in several ways.
This fission process is self multiplying process and hencea
tremendous amount of energy is
released in a very short interval of time. Therefore, explosion takes place. Atom bomb is based on nuclear fission process.
Energy released in nuclear fission reaction
92U235 + 0n1 -- > 42Mo95 + 57La139
+ 20n1 + 7-1e0
The isotopic mass of U235 =
235.118 amu
isotopic mass of
42Mo95 = 94.936 amu
isotopic mass of
57La139 = 138.95 amu
The isotopic mass of 0n1 = 1.009 amu
∴ 235.118 + 1.009 ® 94.936 + 138.95 + 2 × 1.009
236.127 amu ® 235.906 amu
∴ The mass converted into energy is
= (236.127 - 235.906) amu
= 0.213 amu
Since 1amu (atomic mass unit) = 931 MeV, for one 235U fission
released = 0.213 × 931.48 = 200 MeV
The first atom bomb used in
Hiroshima (Japan) utilised 92U235 isotope as the main reacting substance and second bomb in Nagasaki
made use of Plutonium (239) (August 1945).
The fission in both the cases is similar and uncontrolled. Enormous amount of
energy equal to that produced by 20000 tons of TNT is produced
accompanied by heat, light and radioactive radiations.
Nuclear Power Generator
A nuclear reactor or nuclear power generator is a kind
of furnace for carrying out the controlled
fission of a radioactive material like U235 for producing power.
The core of the nuclear reactor produces heat through
nuclear fission. Heavy water at high
pressure takes heat away from the core. In the heat exchanger, the heavy water inside the reactor gives up its heat to water
outside the reactor, which boils to
form steam. The steam is taken away to drive turbines that make electricity. In Tamilnadu atomic power stations
generating electricity are situated at
Kalpakkam and another one is being constructed at Koodamkulam.
3) Nuclear Fusion
When lighter nuclei moving at a high speed are fused
together to form a heavy nucleus, the
process is called nuclear fusion.
In fusion reaction, the mass of heavier nucleus formed
is less than the total mass of two lighter
nuclei. Thus, just like a fission reaction, the source of energy in a fusion
reaction is also the disappearance of mass, which gets converted into energy.
Nuclear fusion reaction takes place at very high
temperature of about 108K.
Therefore, this reaction is called thermonuclear
1H2 + 1H3 ® 2He4 + 0n1 + Energy
Deuterium Tritium Helium
The Mass loss is equal to 0.018 amu and the
corresponding energy released is 1.79 ×
109 KJmol-1.
Hydrogen Bomb
The highly destructive hydrogen bomb is also based on
the fusion reactions of hydrogen to form
helium producing large amount of energy. Hydrogen bomb consists of an arrangement for nuclear fission in the
centre surrounded by a mixture of deuterium (1H2) and lithium
isotope (3Li6). Fission
reaction provides the high temperature
necessary to start the fusion. Fusion reactions take place in hydrogen bomb.
i) Fission ® heat + neutrons
ii) 3Li6
+ 0n1 -- > 1H3 + 2He4
+ 4.78 MeV
+ 1H3 ---- > 2H4+ 0n1+
17.6 MeV
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