A text block contains the text you type, paste, or
import. You can’t see the borders of a text block until you select it with the
pointer tool.
You can create text blocks in two ways:
1. Click or drag the text tool on the page or
pasteboard, and then type.
2. Click a loaded text icon in an empty column or
To create a text block with the text tool:
1. Select the text tool (T) from the toolbox. The
pointer turns into an I-beam. Refer Figure 2.9
2. On an empty area of the page or pasteboard, do
one of the following:
Click the I-beam where you want to insert text.
(Refer Figure 2.10) This creates a text block to the width of the column or
page. By default, the insertion point jumps to the left side of the text block.
3. Type the text you want.
Unlike with a text frame, you do not see the
borders of a text block until you click the text with the pointer tool. Refer 2.11
2. Moving a
Text Block
To move a block without changing its shape, place
the cursor anywhere inside the block, and click and drag it to the required
position. Refer 2.12
When you select a text block with the Pointer tool,
the block’s boundaries become visible. Two handles are seen above and below the
text block. These handles are called Windowshades.
There is a dark square on both ends of the handle. These are used to change the size of the text block.
Refer Figure 2.13 to Figure 2.15
1. Click on the
Pointer tool.
2. Click either the left or right corner handle on
the bottom of the text block and drag. When you release the mouse button, the text
in the text block will reflow to fit the new size of the text block.
3. A red triangle in the bottom windowshade means
there is more text in the text block than is visible on the page. Drag the
windowshade handle down to show more text.
To split a text block into two
1. Place the cursor on the bottom handle, click and
drag upwards. When you release the bottom handle will contain a red triangle.
Refer Figure 2.17-18
2. Click once on this, and the cursor changes to a
loaded text icon.
3. Position this where the second part of the text
is to be, and click.
To rejoin the two text blocks
1. Place the cursor on the bottom handle of the
second text block, click and drag the bottom handle up to the top.
2. Then place the cursor on the bottom handle of
the first text block, and click and drag the bottom handle down if necessary.
You can insert text from other software program
like MS-Word in to a PageMaker document. Refer Figure 2.19 to Figure 2.22
1. Choose File
> Place. The Place dialog box
will appear.
2. Locate the document that contains the text you
want to place and select it.
3. Click on Open
in the Place dialog box. The pointer changes to the loaded text icon ( ).
4. Make a text block to place the text. (Or) Click
in the page to place the text. The text will be placed in the page.
If the text to be placed is too big to fit on one
page, PageMaker allows you to place it on several pages. This can be done
manually or automatically.
• Position the loaded text icon at a corner of the
area where you want to place text, hold down the mouse button, and drag to
define the text block. Release the mouse button.
• Text flows into the defined area. If there is
more text than that fits in the text block you defined, a red triangle appears
in the bottom windowshade handle.
• Click once on this and the loaded text icon
reappears. Now generate a new text block and click. Repeat this process until
there is no more text to place.
Similarly if you want to place the text in a page,
position the loaded text icon at the top of the page and click. Text flows into
the page. If there is more text than fits in the page, a red triangle appears
in the bottom windowshade handle.
Click once on this and the loaded text icon
reappears. Now generate a new page (or pages) by selecting Layout > Insert Pages in
the menu bar. Place the loaded text
icon at the top of the next page and click. Repeat this process until there is
no more text to place.
Before importing the text, first select Layout > Autoflow in the menu bar. Then you should import the text. Now
the loaded text icon looks different - it contains a squiggly arrow ().
Place the loaded text icon at the top of the page
and click. Now the text will automatically flow on to the succeeding pages,
creating new ones, if necessary.
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