Nuclear Chemistry
Radioactivity : The phenomenon
of spontaneous disintegration of certain disintegration of certain atomicnucleiresultingintheemissionofradioactiveraysiscalledradioactivity.
Radioactivity is a nuclear phenomenon and it is not
affected by external factors such as
temperature, pressure etc. This phenomenon was discovered by Henry Becqurel.
To explain the spontaneous
decay of radioactive elements, Rutherford and Soddy put forward the theory of radioactive disintegration. According
to this theory the quantity of a radioactive element which disappears in unit time is directly proportional to the amount (atoms) of
radioactive substance present at that time.
Based on the above theory, the
following equation is derived which confirms that all radioactive reactions follow I order
t = (
2.303 / l ) log(N0)/N)
l =
decay constant
N0= Number of radioactive atoms present initially
N= Number of radioactive atoms at time 't'
Half life period : The time required to disintegrate one half of any
radioactive substance is called half life
period (t½). The half life period (t½) of a radioactive
substance is independent of initial concentration. It depends only on the disintegration constant (l) of the radioactive element. t½ is used to indicate the relative stability of radioactive
substance. If t½ is the shorter, faster
is the rate of decay and hence the substance is more unstable and viceversa.
t½ = 0.693 / l
Average life, t (Tau) = 1/ l = t½ / 0.693
= 1.44t½
* Since
radioactivity is a nuclear phenomenon, it must be connected with the instability
of the nucleus.
* An a - particle is equal to the bundle of two protons and two neutrons and hence
it is equal to the Helium nucleus (2He4).
* b-particle is a fast moving electron.
* g-radiation is a waver of very short wavelength with very
high energy.
* Radioactive
decay series : Radioactive heavy nuclei decay by a series of a - emission or b emissions, finally resulting in the formation of a
stable isotope of lead. There are about 4 decay series.
4n - Thorium series
4n+1 - Neptunium series
4n+2 - Uranium series 4n+3 - Actinium series
* Binding
energy of Nucleus
Whenever a nucleus is formed,
certain mass is converted into energy. Hence for atom, the atomic mass is lower than the sum of masses of protons, neutrons and electrons present. The difference in mass is
termed as "mass defect". This
is the measure of the binding energy of proton and neutron in the nucleus. The relationship between mass - energy is
explained by Einstein equation DE = Dm C2.
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