Brute Force or Blind Search
Brute force or blind search is a uniformed exploration of the search space and it does not explicitly take into account either planning efficiency or execution efficiency. Blind search is also called uniform search. It is the search which has no information about its domain. The only thing that a blind search can do is to differentiate between a non goal state and a goal state. These methods do not need domain knowledge but they are less efficient in result. Uniform strategies don’t use any information about how a close a node might be to a goal. They differ in the order that the nodes are expanded. The most important brute force techniques are breadth first search, depth first search, uniform search and bidirectional search. All brute force techniques must take ( b0 time and use o (d) space. This technique is not as efficient as compared to other algorithms.
Difference between BFS and DFS
It uses the data structure queue.
BFS is complete because it finds the solution if one exists.
BFS takes more space i.e. equivalent to o (b0) where b is the maximum breath exist in a search tree and d is the maximum depth exit in a search tree.
In case of several goals, it finds the best one.
It uses the data structure stack.
It is not complete because it may take infinite loop to reach at the goal node. The space complexity is O (d).
In case of several goals, it will terminate the solution in any order.
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