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Chapter: 11th 12th std standard Class Organic Inorganic Physical Chemistry Higher secondary school College Notes

Tritium - preparation, Properties, Uses

It occurs in the upper atmosphere only where it is continuously formed by nuclear reactions induced by cosmic rays. Unlike deuterium, it is radioactive, with a half-life of ~ 12.3 years. It's nucleus consists of one proton and two neutrons.

Hydrogen is the first element in the periodic table. It has the simplest electronic configuration 1s1. It contains one proton in the nucleus and one electron.


Isotopes:- Atoms of the same element having same atomic number but different mass number are called isotopes.


            There are three isotopes for hydrogen with mass numbers 1, 2 and 3, each possessing an atomic number of one.


            Tritium, 1H3 or 1T3: It occurs in the upper atmosphere only where it is continuously formed by nuclear reactions induced by cosmic rays. Unlike deuterium, it is radioactive, with a half-life of ~ 12.3 years. It's nucleus consists of one proton and two neutrons.



Tritium 1H3: It is a rare isotope of hydrogen. Its traces are found in nature due to nuclear reactions induced by cosmic rays.

Tritium is prepared by

i)  By bombarding lithium with slow neutrons

3Li6 + on1 -- > 1T3  + 2He4

ii) By bombarding beryllium with deuterons

4Be9 + 1D2 -- > 1T3 + 4Be8

4Be9 + 1D2 -- > 1T3 + 2 2He4


Properties : It is radioactive with a half-life of 12.4 years. It decays into helium -3 with the emission of beta radiation.

1T3  -à ß-  2He3 + -1eo


         It is used as a radioactive tracer in chemical research.

It is used in nuclear fusion reactions.



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