Types of root
Primary root is the direct prolongation of the
radicle. When the primary root persists and continues to grow as in
dicotyledons, it forms the main root of the plant and is called the tap root. Tap root produces lateral
roots that further branches into finer roots. Lateral roots along with its
branches together called as secondary
Root developing from any part of the plant other than radicle is called adventitious root.
It may develop from the base of the stem or
nodes or internodes. Example: Monstera
deliciosa, Ficus benghalensis, Piper nigrum. In most of the monocots the primary root of the seedling is
short lived and lateral roots arise from various regions of the plant body.
These are bunch of thread-like roots equal in size which are collectively
called fibrous root system generally
found in grasses. Example: Oryza sativa,
Eleusine coracana, Pennisetum
Root performs two kinds of functions namely primary
and secondary functions.
Absorb water and minerals from soil.
Help to anchor the plant firmly in the soil.
In some plants roots perform additional functions.
These are called secondary functions. To perform additional functions, these roots are modified in
their structure.
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