Necklines are perhaps the most conspicuous part of any dress design and for that reason desere careful consideration, both while choosing a design as well as while sewing.
Select a suitable and comfortable neck style and one suited to the fabric. The neckline can be of various shape and sizes.
Neckline is part of bodice, around the neck. In ladies garments, neckline can be shaped in different ways and styles to get a decorative effect.
Some of the types of necklines are:
1. Boat neckline
2. Draw slring neck line
3.Cowl neckline
4. Key hole neck line
5. Haltee neckline
6. Scoop neckline
7. Square neckline
8. Heart shaped neckline
9. 'V'-shaped neckline
10. Round neckline
11. 'U' shaped neckline
12. Wedge shaped neckline.
It is a boat shaped neckline, approximately following curve of the collarbone, high in front and back, wide at sides, and ending in or at shoulder seams. Its front neck depth is generally kept more than the other neck depths.
It is a neckline with cord, threaded through a caseing (i.e folded edge with gap to insert Tape) to be gathered and adjusted high or low. These are mostly used in Kid's wear like, Jabla, Nighty and in ladies skirt top
A cowl neckline is developed by adding one or more folds to the neckline cowls are always cut on the bias and have free and folded effect when worn cloth suitable for cowls are sheer and light weight type fabrics such as chiffon, silk, crepe, crepe silk, soft satin, georgette, jersey etc. The Pattern prepared for particular fabric, say satin, cannot be used for chiffon, as each fabric is having different characteristics.
It is a high round neckline with inverted wedge shaped opening at front. These necklines looks good when it is finished with fitted facing. The depth of round neckline and inverted wedge can be changed according to desire.
It consist of a strap, rope, or band around neck, attached to backless bodice (i.e. back and shoulders bare) It is tied in a bow at back neck. It is geneerally used in kid's party wear and frocks.
It is a low curved neckline, It is cut deep in front or back or both. The shape of the neckline, more or less resembles the shape of pot and hence is also called as pot neck.
This neckline shape resembles the square shape and has 4 corners, two in front and two at the back. This is used for kammez, frock, Tops and other ladies garment.
It is a deeply cut neckline with its front lower edge in heart shaped curve. It is the variation of square neckline.
It is shaped in front to a sharp point like the letter 'V'. On the centre front of the pattern, mark a point for the depth desired and draw a line to this point from the neck end of the shoulder line.
Because a round neckline is wider in effect than a 'V' shaped neckline, it is usually cut some what higher, its depth on the pattern being determined as suggested for the 'V' neckline when the depth has been noted, draw a line from the shoulder to this point, having the line extend downward with a slight slant for about two-thirds of the neckline depth and then curve abrupthy towards the centre front.
It is cut in front in the shape of letter 'U'. It is the modification of round neckline. The Depth of neckline is more than the normal round neckline.
This is another variation of neckline where a straight line and curved line is combined to from a wedge-shaped opening. Mark points to indicate the depth wanted and the width at lower line, which is wider than the regular square opening, join these points by a straight line, and then draw the side line in the curved effect joining the straight line.
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