Tools For Clothing Construction
Well selected sewing equipments are essential for making a garment of good appearance. These are usually available at each and every home, as these tools are helpful for women in Garment making. Tools for clothing construction can be classified as
1. Measuring tool
2. Drafting tool
3. Marking tool
4. Cutting tool
5. Stitching tool
6. Pressing tool
Marking tools helps to mark the details of patterns such as seam lines, cut lines, darts, pleats etc. Marking tools are
1. Color Pencil (Red & Blue)
2. Marking chalk
3. Tracing Wheel
While drafting pattern on a newspaper, Red & Blue Pencil is necessary. The stitching line is marked using blue pencil and cutting line is marked using Red Pencil.
This is also called as Tailor's Chalk. As color pencil, this is also used for marking seam lines and other pattern details on fabrics as an aid in stitching. This is available in assorted colors in rectangular and triangular shapes. This can be selected according to the fabric color. The edges can be sharpened for drawing straight and curved lines easily.
This is a sharp toothed wheel used with dress maker's carbon to transfer pattern markings from pattern to cloth. Select a wheel with firm sharp points. Test it to make sure that it does not bend. While cutting garment of similar pattern, place one over the other and mark all the patterns at a time using tracing wheel. This can be used when bulk orders are taken.
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