Tools For Clothing Construction
Well selected sewing equipments are essential for making a garment of good appearance. These are usually available at each and every home, as these tools are helpful for women in Garment making. Tools for clothing construction can be classified as
1. Measuring tool
2. Drafting tool
3. Marking tool
4. Cutting tool
5. Stitching tool
6. Pressing tool
Pressing is essential for neat sewing and also for enhancing the appearance of finished garment. Some of the pressing tools are.
1. Iron box
2. Ironing board
3. Press cloth
4. Sleeve board
5. Seam roll
Iron box made of steel with Teflon coating along with adjustable regulators are usually best. Fabric should be free from creases while cutting. Pressing helps to remove creases, if present. Keep an automatic handy iron box for pressing fabric before cutting, during construction and after the garment is completed.
This should be of convenient height and should be well padded. One may use an ordinary table covered with sheet and blanket for this purpose. Ironing board are commercially available in various models.
Fabrics used as press cloth should be color fast and should be washed or boiled to remove starch.
This item is a small ironing board about 20' (.5 m) long used to press narrow areas, such as sleeves, which cannot fit over the end of a regular ironing board.
This item is a long, firm tubular cushion used to press long seams and small curved areas. A seamline can be pressed without having the imprint of the seam allowances showing through on the right side of the fabric.
A bag with compartments for keeping the things is essential. Arrange the contents in such a way that there is a place for everything.
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