Structure of ATP
is responsible for generation of ATP. The discovery of ATP was made by Karl Lohman (1929). ATP is a nucleotide consisting of a base-adenine, a pentose
sugar-ribose and three phosphate groups. Out of three phosphate groups the last
two are attached by high energy rich bonds (Figure 14.3) . On hydrolysis, it
releases energy (7.3 K cal or 30.6 KJ/ATP) and it is found in all living cells
and hence it is called universal energy
currency of the cell. ATP is an
instant source of energy within the cell. The energy contained in ATP is used
in synthesis carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. The energy transformation
concept was established by Lipman
ATP is not only higher energy compound present in a cell. There are other higher
energy compounds also present. Example GTP (Guanosine Tri Phosphate) and UTP
(Uridine Tri Phosphate).
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