You have already studied that the children grow and develop physically,
socially and emotionally.
Each individual is
Like all other people,
Like some other people and
Like no other person.
children are 'unique' yet similar to one another in most aspects of growth.
However, some children are very different from
their age-mates that they 'stand out'. The obvious 'standing out'
creates problems during the growing periods. Such children have to deal with
the normal/usual problems of growth along with all those difficulties that may
arise because of being different.
Have you ever noticed any such child?
The child's ability to cope with these problems is limited. The child is
unable to deal with the social and emotional problems. This has marked effect
on the child's personal and social development. Such a child needs special
attention during the formative years so as to be able to grow to the full
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
Define a normal and a disabled child.
Differentiate between normal and disabled/disadvantaged child.
Categorize disabled children as physically handicapped and socially
According to psychologists a Normal Child can be
defined 'as one who is physically, socially, mentally, intellectually and morally
adjusted and is in harmony with one-self and his/her surrounding environment.'
Such a child is able to conform to the norms of the particular society.
Baker, a well-known psychologist defines the
Disabled Child as 'one who deviates
from what is supposed to be an average in physical, mental, emotional and
social characteristics to such an extent that the child requires special
educational services to help develop to the maximum capacity.'
Categories of Disabled / Disadvantaged Children
disabled children can be broadly grouped into three categories. These are:
1. Physically handicapped children
2. Mentally disadvantaged children.
3. Socially maladjusted children.
Causes of Disability
among Children
The various causes of physical disability are as follows:
Unfavourable prenatal environment
Injury during child birth
Accident during early childhood causing
orthopaedic problems.
Surgery requiring the amputation of the diseased
Mental and emotional problems in early childhood
result in stammering, and speech defects.
Ear infections and injuries resulting in hearing
Psychological, emotional problems and feeling of
neglect result in behavioural problems. Such children are not able to keep up
with the desired social norms and hence are at disadvantage.
Imaginary defects called 'Phantom handicaps' occur
when small children imagine they are handicapped and demand to be excused from
doing things they don't want to do.
Types of Disabilities
/ Handicaps
Handicaps result in physical, neurological and social maladjustment and
A. Physical Defects
Eyes. Blind and partially sighted
Ears. Deaf and hard of hearing
Missing limb/weak limb
Physical abnormalities
such as webbed fingers, hunch back, sixth
finger/toe, malformed ear, harelip, cleft palates, face and body birth marks.
Defective speech. It results in
stammering that affects child's personality.
Chronical defects. The defects that exist
year after year are generally
referred to as chronical defects i.e. congenital heart diseases, rheumatism and
muscular atrophys.
B. Neurological
These are caused by disorders of the central nervous system e.g.
cerebral palsy, epilepsy and schizophrenia. Cerebral palsy results in
paralysis/motion disorder of limbs due to brain malfunction. Sudden
uncontrollable attacks (seizures) resulting in loss of consciousness and muscle
control are common among epileptic patients.
These defects can be corrected/ improved to a
great extent when detected and treated in time. Medical, surgical and
scientific advancement is providing tremendous improvements to cope with the
different handicaps.
C. Social
Maladjustment Defect
Socially maladjusted children do not conform to
the acceptable social norms of the society. The children can be indulging in
anti-social activities leading to juvenile delinquency and other related
problems. Socially disadvantaged child is a deprived child deprived of love,
proper guidance and general social security.
When is the Child
Considered Disabled / Disadvantaged
A Child is considered disadvantaged:
When he/she cannot make the maximum use of one or several of the senses
e.g. blind child, deaf and mute child.
When he/she is not able to adjust well in the society one lives in. Such
a child will exhibit behavioural problems.
Kauffa defines children with behavioural disorders as 'those who chronically and markedly respond to
their environment in socially unacceptable/personally unsatisfied ways but who
can be taught more socially acceptable and personally gratifying behaviour.
Do you know that a child who is able to make sharper use of senses e.g.
exceptional/ bright child can also be disadvantaged.
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