Home | Some important conditions contributing to happiness in old age

Chapter: 11th 12th std standard Home Science Maintain Basic Knowledge for family life Higher secondary school College

Some important conditions contributing to happiness in old age

A favourable attitude toward old age developed as a result of earlier pleasurable contacts with elderly people.

Some important conditions contributing to happiness in old age


1.     A favourable attitude toward old age developed as a result of earlier pleasurable contacts with elderly people.

2.     Happy memories of childhood and adulthood.


3.     Freedom to pursue a desired lifestyle without outside interference.


4.     A realistic attitude toward, and acceptance of, the physical and psychological changes that aging inevitably brings.


Acceptance of self and present living conditions even if these fall below expectations.

1.     An opportunity to establish a satisfying, socially acceptable pattern of life.


2.     Continued participation in interesting and meaningful activities.


3.     Acceptance by and respect from the social group.


4.     A feeling of satisfaction with present status and past achievements.


5.     Satisfaction with marital status and sex life.


6.     Reasonably good health without chronic health problems.


7.     Enjoyment of recreational activities with relatives and friends.


8.     Productive activities whether in housework or volunteer services.


9.     A financial situation adequate to meet needs and wants.


We had a chance to glance through the stages from puberty to old age with reference to good and bad in each stage. All these references are for the normal human being without much physical or any other problem.


Now let us look at the special needs of disadvantaged children.


Physical needs


1.     The house temperature should be comparatively even from floor to ceiling because poor circulation makes the elderly especially sensitive to chilling.


2.     Elderly people need large windows to ensure plenty of light because of the gradual impairment of vision.


3.     Provisions should be made for safety. If the elderly should have to climb few steps, floors should be unwaxed or covered with wall-to-wall carpeting, and danger areas should be lighted at all times.


4.     There should be adequate space for indoor and outdoor recreation, a conditon best met in multiple-housing developments or in institutions.


5.     Noise should be controlled, especially during the night. This can be done by locating sleeping quarters in a quiet part of a house or an apartment.


6.     Elderly people should have labour-saving devices, especially for cooking, dishwashing, and cleaning.


7.       The living quarters should be on one floor to avoid possible falls on steps.

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11th 12th std standard Home Science Maintain Basic Knowledge for family life Higher secondary school College : Some important conditions contributing to happiness in old age |

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