Home | Physical and Psychological needs in living arrangements for the elderly

Chapter: 11th 12th std standard Home Science Maintain Basic Knowledge for family life Higher secondary school College

Physical and Psychological needs in living arrangements for the elderly

The house temperature should be comparatively even from floor to ceiling because poor circulation makes the elderly especially sensitive to chilling.

Physical and Psychological needs in living arrangements for the elderly


Physical needs


1.     The house temperature should be comparatively even from floor to ceiling because poor circulation makes the elderly especially sensitive to chilling.


2.     Elderly people need large windows to ensure plenty of light because of the gradual impairment of vision.


3.     Provisions should be made for safety. If the elderly should have to climb few steps, floors should be unwaxed or covered with wall-to-wall carpeting, and danger areas should be lighted at all times.


4.     There should be adequate space for indoor and outdoor recreation, a conditon best met in multiple-housing developments or in institutions.


5.     Noise should be controlled, especially during the night. This can be done by locating sleeping quarters in a quiet part of a house or an apartment.


6.     Elderly people should have labour-saving devices, especially for cooking, dishwashing, and cleaning.


7.     The living quarters should be on one floor to avoid possible falls on steps.

Psychological Needs


1.     Elderly people should have at least one small room of their own so that they can have some privacy.


2.     Living arrangements should include space for sedentary recreation, such as reading and television watching.


3.     There should be provision for storage of cherished possessions.


4.     Elderly people should live close to stores and community organizations so that they can be independent in their activities.


5.     Elderly people should be near relatives and friends so that frequent contacts are possible.


6.     Provisions should be made for recreation and amusement, especially during the very hot/cold months when going outdoor is difficult and being housebound becomes monotonous and boring.


7.     Provision should be made for transportation to shopping areas, places of amusement, hair-dressers, and churches/temples.


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11th 12th std standard Home Science Maintain Basic Knowledge for family life Higher secondary school College : Physical and Psychological needs in living arrangements for the elderly |

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