Characteristics of
Home Science Extension:
It is a
multidisciplinary approach - It derives its body
of knowledge from all sciences like
physics, chemistry, physiology, nutrition and health, child development,
textiles and clothing and also includes management, sociology, psychology,
communication etc.,
It is action oriented - Home science extension refers to a series of activities, which impart knowledge on selected topics and help
the target group to develop necessary skills for its application. Home Science
extension education aims at action and results.
It empowers women and
youth - In order to improve the economic status this
is essential. This technical advances are shared and they are made to work
independently with better status in the community.
Its results are
intangible - Change in attitude and knowledge is a slow process and results cannot be
seen immediately. Sometimes it is difficult to perceive concrete results and
should not be taken as a measurement for the effectiveness of a program.
It is a two way
process - Home Science extension establishes a two-way communication channel by
bridging the gap between centers of higher education and research and the
beneficiaries. Now technology is transferred to the field through various
communication media or methods and target groups are helped to realize
importance of using it for improving their standard of living. Similarly the
needs and problem of the people are communicated to specialists who in turn
find solution to these and that is passed on through field workers.
It is a need-based program
- Any home science extension program will exist or function only on needs of the people. It can
be long-term or a short term need but without this no program for development
can be planned.
It is family oriented - The very word home means the family and so home science extension aims at the overall development of
every individual in the family young or old, men or women.
It is voluntary - There is no compulsion on the people to participate in home science extension programs. They are made to
realize the need for developmental progress but accepting and participating in
developmental programs is totally left to the people
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