Apple - has mild antibacterial, anti-viral,
anti-inflamatory, oestrogenic activity - lowers cholesterol and risk of cancer.
Asparagus - a super source of antioxidant glutathione to lower cancer
Broccoli -
a unique package of versatile disease fighter.
Cinnamon -
a strong stimulator of insulin activity.
Clove -
anti inflammatory, anticoagulant effect.
Cucumber -
the most cooling food.
Date - has
natural asprin, laxative effect and good iron source.
seeds - anti-diabetic power, anti-diarrheal, anti-ulcer, anti-cancer, lowers
blood pressure, prevent intestinal gas.
Fish oil -
the omega 3 oil in fish is an all cure. It's anti every thing.
Garlic - broad spectrum anti-biotic, eat garlic both raw and cooked for
all round insurance.
Ginger - used to treat nausea, headache, cholera, diarrhea, rheumatism,
nervous disease. This is old anti-everything.
Honey -
strong anti-biotic properties, sleep inducing.
juice - natural antiseptic.
Mushroom - a longevity tonic, heart medicine, cancer remedy, anti-lipid,
anti-tumor, anti-viral, high protein.
Mustard - decongestant and expectorant, anti-bacterial, increases
Onion - an
exceptionally strong anti-oxidant.
Pumpkin -
extremely high in beta carotene.
Tea - acts
as an anticoagulant, artery protector.
Turmeric -
marvelous medicinal spice of the world.
If you can understand how your body works, you stand a better chance of
maintaining it sensibly and so avoiding many diseases by following a few simple
rules and using 'common sense.' You will be in a good position to prevent the
onset of disease and your body will be better equipped to resist any infection
that you come in contact. These rules relate to five main areas namely diet,
exercise, abuse of the body, stress factors and safeguards against diseases.
Avoid sugar and excessive amounts of animal fat. Try and eat more
vegetables, cereals and pulses, include bran and roughage, consume enough milk
and milk products thus forming a balanced diet. Food substances that are not
burnt up as energy are stored as fat. Lack of certain foods will lead to
deficiency signs and symptoms. One needs to understand and work out the calorie
requirements and plan out one's diet to meet the nutritional requirements so as
to maintain good health. Good dietary habits are essential to every one.
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