Laser Treatment of Cutaneous
Lasers are devices that amplify or generate highly
specialized light energy. They can mobilize immense heat and power when
fo-cused at close range and are valuable tools in surgical procedures. The
argon laser, carbon dioxide (CO2) laser, and tunable pulse-dye laser are used in
dermatologic surgery. Each type of laser emits its own wavelength within the
color spectrum.
argon laser produces a visible blue-green light that is ab-sorbed by vascular
tissue and is therefore useful in treating vas-cular lesions: port-wine stains,
telangiectases, vascular tumors, and pigmented lesions. The argon beam can
penetrate approxi-mately 1 mm of skin and reach the pigmented layer, causing
pro-tein coagulation in this area. An immediate effect is that tiny blood
vessels under the skin coagulate, causing the area to turn a much lighter
color. A crust forms within a few days.
the procedure, the patient may require local anesthe-sia (lidocaine) but only
if the lesion, such as a port-wine stain, is wider than 0.5 cm. Laser beams,
regardless of type, are reflected and scattered in all directions during the treatment.
Laser radia-tion is hazardous to the eye, and the eyes of the patient and all
personnel involved in the surgical procedure and those who are within the
immediate surgical environment must be protected with orange, argon
light–absorbing safety goggles.
compresses are usually applied over the treatment area for approximately 6
hours to minimize edema, exudate, and loss of capillary permeability. The nurse
advises the patient that swelling will subside in 1 to 2 days and will be
followed by a crust that will last 7 to 10 days. The nurse instructs the
patient to avoid picking at the crust, to apply an antibacterial ointment
sparingly until the crust separates, to avoid applying makeup until the wound
heals, and to avoid exposure to the sun. Sunscreen is to be used when exposure
is unavoidable.
The CO2 laser emits
invisible light in the infrared spectrum that is absorbed at the skin surface
because of the high water content of the skin and the long wavelength of the CO2
light. As the laser beam strikes tissue, it is absorbed by the intracellular
and extra-cellular water, which vaporizes, destroying the tissue. The CO2
laser is a precise surgical instrument that vaporizes and excises tis-sue with
minimal damage. Because the beam can seal blood and lymphatic vessels, it
creates a dry surgical field that makes many procedures easier and quicker. It
is therefore safe to use on pa-tients with bleeding disorders or those
receiving anticoagulant therapy. It is useful for removing epidermal nevi,
tattoos, certain warts, skin cancer, ingrown toenails, and keloids. Incisions
made with the laser beam heal and scar much like those made by a scalpel.
addition to wearing safety goggles, the patient and person-nel wear laser-grade
surgical masks to avoid inhaling the byprod-uct smoke, referred to as a plume.
after undergoing CO2
laser surgery, the treated area turns a charcoal color. The wound is covered
with antibacterial ointment and a nonadhesive dressing. The patient is
instructed to keep the wound dry except for gentle cleansing with mild soap
several times each day. After the skin is cleaned, a prescribed oint-ment and
light dressing are applied.
nerve endings and lymphatic vessels are sealed by the laser, less edema and
pain follow the laser procedure than follow conventional surgery. A mild
analgesic is sufficient to maintain patient comfort. Wound healing occurs by
secondary intention, with granulation tissue appearing within a week; complete heal-ing
occurs in several weeks. Sun exposure to the area should be avoided for
approximately 6 months. Application of a sunscreen with an SPF value of at
least 15 is recommended. People at high risk for skin cancer from sun exposure
are advised to use a sun-screen with an SPF greater than 15 to block
ultraviolet-B and ultraviolet-A light.
tunable pulse-dye laser with various wavelengths is the latest laser available
for dermatologic surgery. It is especially useful in treating cutaneous vascular
lesions such as port-wine stains and telangiectasia. Eye protection used for
the argon and CO2
lasers is insufficient when the pulse-dye laser is in use. Special eye-glasses,
such as those made of didymium glass, are required for the patient and all
personnel. The procedure is generally painless. For procedures requiring
anesthesia, lidocaine without epineph-rine is sufficient because local
vasoconstriction (which epineph-rine induces) is unnecessary.
patient should be informed that there may be stinging in the treated area for
several hours. Applying ice to the area and a light antibacterial ointment
followed by a nonstick dressing (eg, Telfa) usually eases discomfort.
crusting occurs, the patient is advised to wash the area gen-tly with soap and
water and reapply the antibacterial cream twice daily until the crust
disappears. The nurse also advises the patient to avoid wearing makeup until
all crust is removed. Sun exposure should be avoided as well; sunscreens with
an SPF value of 15 or greater should be used for 3 to 4 months after the
treatment. Complete removal of the lesion at one session, especially a
port-wine stain, is rare. The patient should be informed that several
treatments may be necessary.
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