Ischaemic Heart Disease
Most common cause of death in
Western countries
Incidence peaked in NZ in 1968 at
320 deaths /100,000. Now 200/100,000
In NZ, 4,500 acute MI per year,
3,200 CIHD per year (=25% of all deaths)
Risks factors:
o Cigarette smoking 5.2 x
o Hypertension 3.3 x
o Hyperlipidaemia 3.7 x
o Diabetes mellitus
o Male gender
o Family history
o Myocardial blood flow < metabolic demand of myocardium
o Coronary perfusion related to:
§ Atherosclerosis occluding coronary arteries (fixed coronary stenosis),
acute plaque changes (eg rupture), thrombosis, vasoconstriction
§ Differential between ostia (aortic diastolic pressure) and coronary
sinus (right atrial pressure)
§ Compression of intramuscular arteries during contraction ®
myocardium perfused in diastole
§ Decreased coronary blood flow also due to intraventricular
pressure & myocardial contraction, aortic valve stenosis/regurgitation, right
atrial pressure
Cross sectional area of major
vessels must be reduced by 75% to significantly affect perfusion
· See Measuring Blood Pressure(Topic), for measurement
Is a risk factor not a disease
o No dividing line between normal and high blood pressure. There are
arbitrary levels set based on the risk of complications (the main ones being
stroke, MI, heart failure and renal failure)
o In determining whether the blood pressure is „bad‟, take into account
the systolic and diastolic pressure, age, sex, other diseases (eg DM,
hyperlipidaemia), smoking. Older age is the greatest risk factor: treat high
blood pressure in an older person regardless of other risk factors
o WHO definitions:
o Also classified according to retinopathy, see Hypertensive Retinopathy(Topic)
Classified as:
o Primary/essential (what most people have – but a diagnosis of
exclusion): contributing factors include hereditary, obesity, alcohol intake,
salt intake (60% of patients respond to ¯salt intake – but compliance
o Secondary causes: renal disease (eg renal artery stenosis, diabetic
kidney disease, etc), endocrine (eg cortisol, aldosterone,
acromegaly, oral contraceptives), neurogenic (eg psychogenic), sleep apnoea
(major changes in baroreceptor reflexes)
o Prevalence with age. Older people at greater risk at any given blood pressure
compared with young
o Strong risk factor for stroke, congestive heart failure, coronary artery
disease and renal failure
o Probably 10 – 20% of older adults require treatment (ie have essential
hypertension with diastolic pressure > 95 mmHg)
o Treatment reduces related complications. Stroke risk reduces in line
with BP, MI risk doesn‟t reduce as much for a given drop in BP
o How accurate is the diagnosis?
o Usually symptomless
o Possibly related symptoms: palpitation, flushing, headache
o Related risk factors: history of renal, cardiac or neurological disease
o Asthma, diabetes, gout, renal disease: complications with drug treatment
o Occupational
o Diet: salt, fat
o Smoking and alcohol
o Family History
Detection and assessment:
o Blood pressure more labile in older adults Þ measure
2 to 3 times (in same arm). Measure standing and sitting
o In primary hypertension usually on standing. In secondary hypertension, usually ¯ on
o Basic workup:
§ Urine for protein, blood and glucose ® DM, renal disease
§ FBC for polycythaemia, renal disease, alcohol
§ Electrolytes (especially K): exclude odd endocrine causes
§ ECG: any end organ damage
o Additional tests if indicated:
§ Microscopic analysis of urine (for casts)
§ Plasma lipids
§ Blood glucose: need to modify drug treatment
§ Serum Ca, PO4, uric acid (gout – associated with hypertension, may also due to
§ Echocardiogram or CXR
§ Special tests for secondary causes if indicated: eg renal imaging, 24
hour urine for catecholamine metabolites (phaeochromocytoma)
o Pathophysiology: poorly understood. Older people have ¯renin,
and are more responsive to Na depletion. „Hardening‟ of arteries ®systolic
pressure. ¯Responsiveness to b-mediated vascular relaxation
o Leads to hypertensive heart disease: left ventricular hypertrophy ® relative
myocardial ischaemia. Aortic valvular disease also ® LV
o Malignant hypertension (accelerated hypertension): hypertension leading
to rapidly progressive vascular compromise. Blood vessels show fibrinoid
necrosis or concentric hyperplasia („onion skin‟ changes)
Remove/substitute drugs: eg
NSAIDs, OCP, Prednisone
Always attempt lifestyle changes
o Stop smoking (little effect on BP, but biggest impact on risk factors)
o Weight loss
o ¯Alcohol
(max 2 drinks per day)
o ¯Salt
intake (max 70 mmol/day)
o exercise
o ¯Saturated
When to treat:
o Given it is such a strong risk factor, consider hypertension above
systolic 140 mmHg
o Always treat > 170 systolic or > 110 diastolic
o Hardly ever treat < 140 and < 90 diastolic
o In between, controversial. Consider other risks. If over 65 no other risk factors needed (eg diabetes, etc). Give considerable attention to non-pharmacological approaches for 3 – 6 months. Long term follow up necessary
o Treat 72 older adults for 5 years to prevent 1 death, treat 43 for 5 years to prevent one cerebrovascular event
o Aim of treatment: diastolic < 90
Rules of thumb:
o Use low doses of several agents, rather than increasing doses of one drug (especially thiazides)
o First line: thiazides (with or without a potassium sparing agent) and/or b-blocker (atenolol most used in trials). If tolerate them both then add them together
o ACE inhibitors: not so effective but rated best quality of life
o Don‟t take diuretic, ACE inhibitor and NSAIDS together (renal side
o Introduce slowly, monitor for symptoms and postural hypotension
o Aim for 140/90, and then attempt back titration 3 monthly
Individualise depending on
co-morbid conditions:
Symptom complex characterised by
attacks of chest pain, causing ischaemia but not infarction
o Stable angina (typical): pain on exertion, relieved by rest or
vasodilators. Subendocardial ischaemia with ST-segment depression
o Variant or Prinzmetal‟s angina: classically occurs at rest. Caused by
reversible spasm in normal to severely atherosclerotic coronary arteries. Can
see ST-segment elevation or depression
o Unstable angina: variable, prolonged pain, pain at rest or worsening of pain in stable angina. ST- segment depression – but may be elevated. Most common complication: arrhythmias (especially VF). Within 3 months 4% will have sudden death and 15% a myocardial infarct
o Sudden cardiac death. Usually within an hour of a cardiac event or
without symptoms. Usually high-grade stenosis. Usually associated with
arrhythmias, especially ventricular ectopic beats and subsequent VF
Treatment options for stable
o Nitrates: short & long acting
o b-blockers
(¯myocardial O2 consumption)
o Ca antagonists
o Aspirin
Unstable angina:
o = Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) = acute heart problems without ST elevation
o Investigations:
§ ECG. Serial or continuous if high
§ Bloods: Troponin (repeat after 6 hours), FBC, Cr, electrolytes, CK,
blood glucose. Want to test lipids/cholestrol – but false positives following
an acute coronary event. Do later.
§ CXR: cargiomegaly? Pulmonary
oedema? Dissection?
o Medical therapy:
§ Aspirin: reduces progression to MI. Neither Warfarin nor Heparin confers
little further benefit. Use heparin if high risk.
§ b-blockers:
reduce progression to MI
§ iv nitroglycerine for symptomatic relief
§ Maybe calcium channel blockers that reduce the heart rate
o Low risk:
§ Normal ECG and no detectable troponin despite angina
frequency or severity
§ Management: discharge for outpatient assessment
o High risk:
§ If even a minor degree of ST depression or a significant elevation of
troponin ® minor myocardial damage so now is the time to act
§ Overlap between High Risk ACS and non-STEMI (non-ST elevation MI)
§ Management: Admit for coronary angiography and, if positive, early
percutaneous coronary intervention (ie more aggressive treatment than
Long term management:
o ¯Obesity,
diabetes, smoking, exercise
o Referral to a cardiac rehabilitation programme
o Statins if serum cholesterol raised
o ACE inhibitors if hypertension or diabetes
Old WHO definition: two out of
three of: chest discomfort for > 30 minutes, enzyme rise and typical pattern
of ECG involving the development of Q waves (ie normal ECG does not rule out
· New definition: Blood levels of sensitive and specific markers are raised in the clinical setting of acute ischaemia (ie importance of biochemical tests). See Laboratory Diagnosis(Topic)
2 classifications:
o ST elevation MI verses none (ie STEMI and non-STEMI). Often ST elevation
progresses to Q wave
o Q wave verses none (older classification) Þ
transmural or not
Same risk factors as for
5% occur under age 40, 45% over
age 65
Oestrogen protective in women
30% mortality with 20% dying
before admission
Crushing chest pain (absent in
15% of cases). But < 25% with chest
pain have an MI
Can also present as epigastric,
arm, wrist, or jaw discomfort with exertion or at rest
May be associated with dyspnoea,
sweating, nausea, vomiting, weakness, dizziness, fainting
Irreversible damage in 20 – 40
Occlusive intracoronary thrombus,
overlying ulcerated or stenotic plaque:
o Causes 90% of transmural acute MIs.
o For blood to clot need: abnormal flow, damage to vessel wall and
clotting factors.
o Thrombis formation: activated platelets adhere to exposed collagen of
damaged endothelium ® release thromboxane A2 ® expanding platelet mass + coagulation
Vasospasm: with or without
atherosclerosis. Postulate where no findings at post-mortem (10%) – but many of
these will be thrombi that have lysed
Emboli: from left sided mural
thrombosis, vegetative endocarditis
Arteritis: polyarteritis nordosa,
Kawasaki disease
Other: dissecting aneurysm
occluding coronary ostia, ¯O2 supply (anaemia, CO, cyanide), O2 demand (hyperthyroidism, fever)
Transmural infarct: entire
thickness of wall from endocardium to epicardium. Usually Anterior wall (50%)
or posterior free wall/septum in 15 – 30%. Q wave
Subendocardial infarct:
multifocal necrosis confined to inner 1/3 to ½ of left ventricle wall. More
commonly associated with temporary hypoperfusion (eg shock). No Q wave
o LAD: 40 – 50%
o RCA: 30 – 40%
o LCA: 15 – 20%
Gross changes over time:
o 18 – 24 hours Pallor
of myocardium – anaemic, grey brown (cf normal brown-red)
o 24 – 72 hours Pallor
(yellow/brown) with increasingly defined hyperaemia border
o 3 – 7 days Hyperaemic border (darker brick red)
with central yellowing,
haemorrhagic areas
o 10 – 21 days Maximally
yellow and soft with vascular margins (red edge – granulation
tissues moves in)
o 7 weeks White fibrosis
o C – 3 hours Wavy
myocardial fibres
o 2 – 3 hours Staining
defect with tetrazolium
o 4 – 12 hours Coagulative
necrosis with loss of cross striations, oedema, haemorrhage,
early neutrophil infiltrate (WBCs with multilobed
nuclei), loss of
myocardial striations
o Increases highly specific for MI injury – but not synonymous with MI or
ischaemia, but probably indicates irreversible injury
o Increases above the 99th percentile are significant (lower than previously)
o Prognosis related to degree of elevation
o Rises no faster than CK (ie starts to rise within 3 – 12 hours) and more
expensive but substantial rise after MI (400 fold)
o Causes besides MI:
§ Subendocardial injury from wall stress in left ventricular hypertrophy
(eg heart failure)
§ Right ventricular injury in severe PE
§ Direct trauma (eg contusion)
§ Toxic injury by drugs or in septic shock
§ Myocarditis
§ Cardioversion
o Troponin T
§ = Cardiac troponin T, cTnT, TnT: only available from Boehringer Mannheim
§ Normal < 0.03 mg/l
§ Increases in renal failure due to ¯clearance (Þ false
o Troponin I:
§ Everyone else‟s test. Normal
value depends on which assay is used
§ I remains elevated for 5 – 9 days and T for 2 weeks. Better marker for
recent MI than LDH. Harder to interpret in re-infarct – don‟t know whether it‟s
the 1st or 2nd infarct
o Test on admission to either see if already raised (poor prognosis) or to
establish baseline
CK – total: not specific to
myocardial injury. Do baseline and use to check for reinfarction (Troponins not
so good for this)
Older tests:
o CK – MB fraction:
§ MM fraction is in both skeletal and myocardial muscle. But 15 – 40% of
cardiac CK is MB, compared with 2% skeletal. BB found in brain, bowel and
bladder. The MB fraction is therefore very specific
§ MB fraction rises within 2 – 8 hours. Dissipates within 1 – 3 days. So
also a good marker of reinfarction
§ CK – MB isoforms: Ratio of isoform 2 to isoform 1 > 1.5 Þ early
acute MI (changes before CK- MB elevated). Requires electrophoresis, so labour
intensive. False positives with heart failure
o Myoglobin: Oxygen binding protein in skeletal and cardiac muscle.
Elevated before CK-MB, but is not specific to cardiac muscle. Negative
myoglobin can help rule out MI
o LDH: supplanted by other tests. Rises later (24 – 48 hours) and elevated
for 7 – 14 days. Isoenzyme measurement of LDH 1 and 2 necessary for cardiac
o AST and ALT: intermediate timing but rather non-specific
· Other Investigations: CXR, echo, ABG, FBC, ?perfusion scan, ?amylase <
Exclude differentials:
o Aortic dissection
o Pericarditis
o PE or other causes of pleuretic chest pain
o Peptic ulcer
· Investigations as for Unstable Angina(Topic)
· They will be frightened. Reassure. > 90% survival if low risk (< 60, no diabetes, no past history, pulse <100)
High flow O2 (unless CO2
Morphine 5 – 15 mg iv at < 1
mg/min (+ antiemetic eg metoclopramide 5 – 10 mg iv). Effects: analgesic,
anxiolytic, anti-arrhythmic, venodilatory
Restoring/Maintaining vessel
o Aspirin 300 mg (unless contra-indicated)
o Thrombolysis:
Indicated if with 12 hours of MI
Best within 60 mins
o General bleeding tendency: warfarin, haemophilia, severe liver disease,
o Local bleeding risk: Past haemorrhagic stroke or recent surgery,
prolonged resuscitation (® rib fractures, contusion, etc), peptic ulcer, GI bleeding, pregnancy,
cavitating Tb
o Severe hypertension (systolic > 200, diastolic > 120)
o Pre-existing thrombis that might embolise (eg endocarditis, aortic
o Streptokinase: restores perfusion in 30%
o TPA: restores perfusion in 54%. Expensive. Use tPA if previous reaction
to SK, or if SK has been used between 1 year and 5 days ago
Complications: 1% risk of stroke
Watch this space for platelet
receptor blocking drugs (eg IIb/IIIa inhibitors)
o Consider for primary angioplasty (acute stenting of an occluded coronary
artery) if large anterior infarct refractory to thrombolysis
Management of preload, afterload
and heart rate and rhythm:
o Glyceryl trinitrate
o ACE inhibitor + b-blocker (unless contra-indicated)
o Bed rest
Monitor ECG, BP, cardiac enzymes,
Stop smoking
Early stress/treadmill test
Good prognostic indicators:
o No pre-existing hypertension
o Normal heart size
o No post MI pulmonary oedema
o No significant arrhythmias after day 1
o No post-MI angina
If good prognosis, discharge on
aspirin and b-blocker. Add an ACE inhibitor if ¯LVF. Consider a statin if lipids.
35% die within one year, 10% per
year thereafter. NZ overall hospital
mortality 19%
Arrhythmias and conduction
defects: eg premature ventricular beats, sinus bradycardia, VT, VF, heart block
Extension of infarction,
Congestive heart failure
(pulmonary oedema): everyone who‟s had a significant MI will have some degree
of this
Cardiogenic shock: if more than
40% of the left ventricle is infarcted.
70 – 90% die
Pericarditis: fibrinous adhesions
in the pericardium overlying the infarct (Dressler‟s syndrome – autoimmune
adherent pericarditis – occurring 2 – 6 weeks post MI or cardiac surgery.
Treatment - steroids)
Mural thrombosis ®
Myocardial rupture ®
tamponade. Maximum incidence day 5 - 7. Can include rupture of interventricular
Papillary muscle rupture or
infarct ® mitral incompetence
Ventricular aneurysm formation:
12 – 20% of cases
Ischaemic cardiomyopathy: severe
atherosclerosis involving all major branches ® inadequate
vascular supply ® myocyte loss and interstitial fibrosis ® ¯compliance
& dilation ® compensation by myocyte hypertrophy ® slow progressive heart failure
and enormous heart size (up to 2 to 3 times normal)
Time to complications:
o 1 – 3 days: arrhythmia, CHF, pericarditis
o 5 – 7 days: rupture
o Later: recurrent MI, angina, embolism from mural thrombosis, mitral
regurgitation, Dressler‟s syndrome (Post MI syndrome)
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