Heart Murmurs
Areas of greatest intensity:
Mitral regurgitation is loudest over the apex and radiates into the axilla –
but may be heard over the whole praecordium. Aortic murmurs radiate into the
carotid arteries
Benign murmur of pregnancy –
ejection systolic. Pan systolic or
diastolic murmurs are abnormal
In general, systolic murmurs are
easier to hear than diastolic murmurs
Loudness: Doesn‟t always correlate with severity but a
change is significant (eg after an MI).
o For systolic:
§ Grade 1/6: very soft. Consultants
§ Grade 2/6: soft. Detected
immediately by an experienced operator
§ Grade 3/6: moderate but no thrill
§ Grade 4/6: loud, thrill just palpable
§ Grade 5/6: very loud, thrill easily palpable
§ Grade 6/6: audible without stethoscope
o For diastolic: Usually graded 1 to 4
Pitch: low pitched Þ
turbulent flow under pressure (eg mitral stenosis), high pitched Þ high
velocity (eg mitral regurgitation)
Clues can also be obtained from
peripheral signs (eg tricuspid regurgitation ®
pulsitile liver, slow rising pulse ® aortic stenosis)
Dynamic manoeuvre testing:
o Respiration: Right sided murmurs louder on Inspiration (due to venous
return), Left sided louder on Expiration (brings heart closer to the chest wall
– especially for aortic regurgitation) – RILE
o Valsalva manoeuvre (¯ preload): Hold nose, close mouth, breathe out hard to pop ears and
hold. Listen over left sternal edge for changes in the systolic murmur of
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and over the apex for mitral valve prolapse. Other
murmurs will be quieter due to ¯left and right filling
o Squatting or leg raise (preload): venous return and arterial resistance ® most murmurs are louder
o Handgrip (afterload): aortic stenosis quieter
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