= Primary or idiopathic diseases
involving the myocardium. Diagnosed by excluding other more common causes of
heart failure: IHC, hypertension, rheumatic fever, and infectious myocarditis
Presents as congestive heart
failure at any age
Men twice as common as women
Exclude pre-existing hypertension
and alcoholism
Macroscopic appearance: greatly
dilated ventricles, heart weighs 500 – 1000g (normal is 300g female, 350 g
Microscopic appearance: patchy
interstitial fibrosis, interstitial oedema, hypertrophy of remaining fibres
Complications: arrhythmia, mural
thrombus, mitral and tricuspid insufficiency
Prognosis: progressive disease,
no cure
Disproportionate hypertrophy of
the interventricular septum ® ventricular outflow obstruction
Familial and non-familial forms
Macroscopic appearance: heart
weighs 600 – 1300g. Septum thicker than
free wall of left ventricle
Microscopic appearance: diffuse
hypertrophy of tangled myocytes.
Interstitial collagen
Prognosis: poor. 1/3 die from outlet obstruction (can be
precipitated by digoxin)
Endocardial fibroelastosis:
cartilage-like thickening of the left sided endocardium. Most common < 2
Endomyocardial fibrosis: Only
tropical Africa. Fibrosis ® thickening of chordae tendinae and aortic valve leaflets
Alcohol, cobalt, sarcoid
(infiltrative granulomatous), amyloid (accumulation of insoluble b pleated
proteins derived from immunoglobulins in elderly patients), metastatic
carcinoma, storage diseases (eg haemochromatosis), ischaemia
Effect of alcohol on the heart:
o Binge drinking (also exercise and caffeine) ® AF a day
later lasting for a day
o Fibrotic cardiomyopathy
o Arrhythmia
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