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Chapter: Mechanical : Maintenance Engineering : Maintenance Policies and Preventive Maintenance

Important Questions and Answers: Maintenance Policies -Preventive Maintenance

Mechanical - Maintenance Engineering - Maintenance Policies and Preventive Maintenance

1. Define the term Preventive Maintenance?


It is a maintenance program which is committed to the elimination or prevention of corrective and breakdown maintenance. It is designed for day to day maintenance like cleaning, inspection, lubricating, retightening etc. to retain the healthy condition of equipments.


2. Define predictive maintenance?


Predictive maintenance is a management technique that uses regular evaluation of the actual operating conditions of plant equipment, production systems and plant management function to optimize total plant operation.


3. What is meant by Breakdown maintenance approach?


It is a type of maintenance approach in which equipment is allowed to function / operate till no failure occurs that no maintenance work is carried out ion advance to prevent failure.





4. Classify various planned maintenance approach.

1.     preventive maintenance

2.     corrective maintenance

3.     predictive maintenance

4.     condition based maintenance


5.Define corrective maintenance approach.

Corrective maintenance is the program focused on regular planed tasks that will maintain all critical machinery and system in optimum operation conditions


6. What is meant by preventive maintenance approach?


A comprehensive preventive maintenance program involves periodical evaluation of critical equipment, machinery to detect problem and schedule maintenance task to avoid degradation in operating conditions. It is designed for day to day maintenance like cleaning inspection, lubricating, retightening etc. to retain the healthy condition of equipments.


1.3            List the objectives of corrective maintenance?

            Elimination break downs

            Elimination deviations from optimum operating condition.

            Elimination unnecessary repairs


1.4            What is meant by predictive Maintenance?


Predictive maintenance is a management technique that uses regular evaluation of the actual operating conditions of plant equipment production systems and plant management functions to optimize total plant operation.

9. list out some condition based monitoring techniques and briefly discuss on them.

1.     Vibration monitoring

2.     thermograph

3.     tribology

4.     electrical motor analysis


10.            What is meant by reliability centered maintenance (RCM)?


Reliability centered maintenance is one of the well established systematic and a step by step instructional tool for selecting applicable and appropriate maintenance operation types. It helps in how to analyze all failure modes in a system and define how to prevent or find those failures early.


11. What is total productive maintenance and discuss its similarities with TQM?


Total productive maintenance is a maintenance program which involves a newly defined concept of maintaining plants and equipments. The goal of tpm program is to significantly increase the production, at the same time increasing employee morale and job satisfaction.





12. What is meant by reliability centered maintenance?


Reliability centered maintenance is one of the well established systematic and a step by step instructional tool for selecting applicable and appropriate maintenance operational types.


13. What does safety, health and environment pillar of TPM aims at?

This pillar aims at achieving Zero accident, Zero health damage and Zero fires.


14. What is limitation of breakdown maintenance?


1.     Most repairs are poorly planned due to time constraint caused by production and plant management. This will cost three to four times than the same repair when it is well planned.


2.     This approach focus only on repair or the symptoms of failure and not on the root cause of failure. This results only in increase in the frequency of repair and correspondingly the maintenance costs.


·     list the benefits of implementing preventive maintenance.


            It maintains the equipment in good condition to prevent them from bigger problems.


            Prolongs the effective life of the equipments.

            Detects the problem at earlier stages.


           minimizes/eliminates the rework/scrap and helps in reducing the process variability


            Significantly reduces unplanned downtime.


·     Name the five S principles used for implementations of TPM.

            SEIRI Sort out


            SEITON Organize

            SEISO Shine workplace

            SEIKETSU Standardization

            SHITSUKE Self discipline


·     List the various pillars of TPM?

            5,S Principle

            jishu hozen(JH)


            planned maintenance

            Quality maintenance.


            office TPM

            Safety, health and environment


·     What are the objectives of TPM?

The main objectives of TPM are

1.     to achieve zero defects


2.     achieve zero accidents and zero break downs in all functional areas of an organization


3.     to create different team of people to have active participation.

4.     To  aim at minimization of defects and

5.     To inculcate autonomous policy.


19.            Name the various stakeholders of maintenance scheduling.

1.     Operators

2.     Planners

3.     Schedulers

4.     Maintenance supervisors

5.     craftsman

6.     Store’s in charge

7. operation superintendent


20. Define Maintenance Scheduling.


Maintenance scheduling is a joint maintenance operations activity in which maintenance agrees to make the recourses available at a specific time when the unit can also be made available by operations.

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