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Chapter: 11th 12th std standard Textiles And Dress Designing Cloth stitch Higher secondary school College practical steps methods Notes


There are three common terms used to describe this technique-draping, toile and modeling.



There are three common terms used to describe this technique-draping, toile and modeling. A fourth term is sometimes used namely moulage. In order that confusion does not ruin, it should be realized that these four terms refer to one and the same technique. However the most modern term used is modeling. Although modeling is basically a skill, artistic acumen is necessary to use the technique to full average for the design of a garment.


There are some fabrics which land themselves more readily to draped styles because they have a quality which allows the material to hang in unison with a complementary to the body. In other words they posses 'drape' Eg. of such fabric are jersey, chiffon, and moss crepe.


Draping is the manipulation of fabric on a three dimensional form by a designer to obtain perfect fit and harmony between the fabrics and design of the garment and the silhouette of the individual.


Modeling or Draping is the molding of material around a dress stand or human body for the purpose of designing a garment just like a sculptor Modeling allows the fashion designer to work in three dimensions.


There are several types of dress form on the market but the most commonly used dress form is the muslin padded dress form, set on a movable height adjustable stand, duplicates the human body shape. It is firm, yet resilient and does not resist pins. The right and left sides are exactly alike.


Other types or dress forms available on the market are made of paper Mache or of plastic molded to the individual figure. For experimental work a half sized form is satisfactory because it requires fewer yardages with which to work. A variety of dress forms are available in standard sizes for junior and missy figures as well as for children's and men's figures. Draped styles are those which accommodate the material achieving the desired effect. Using the procedures described, we will find that greater freedom of expression in our design it possible.

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11th 12th std standard Textiles And Dress Designing Cloth stitch Higher secondary school College practical steps methods Notes : Draping |

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