Conservation of Energy
The present critical energy position demands
an organized effort at all levels from individual to international action. A
considerable amount of energy can be saved by reducing wastage and using energy
efficient devices. Following measures can help in this effort:
Development of
technology for the use of solar energy in appliances and transport vehicles
Development of
efficient and smokeless Chulhas or
wood stoves
Development of
non-conventional energy sources and less dependence on fossil fuels.
Planned programme for
raising fuel wood, trees and shrubs under the control and maintenance of local
communities especially in developing countries.
Effective use of
agricultural and animal wastes to obtain biogas and manure.
Improvement of engine
and pump designs to increase fuel efficiency.
Development of
effective techniques to trap wind and tidal energy.
Energy resources
Ecologically man is
only a part of energy flow in nature. Man requires energy for his daily needs. The major energy sources are fuel
wood, fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum and natural gas. Apart from these,
the other direct energy resources are sunlight, hydroelectric and wind power,
tidal, geothermal and nuclear energy.
Requirement: During early stages
of human civilization, the daily per
capita need for energy was just 2,000-4,000 kilo calories. During the
agricultural stage, the muscular energy of domestic animals was used for work.
The per capita energy consumption gradually increased. In nineteenth century,
during the industrial stage of human civilization, the use of fossil fuel
started and the per capita energy requirement increased to 70,000 kilo calories
per day.
Today we need energy for agriculture,
industry, transport, communication, comfort and defence. The per head energy
consumption varies from country to country
Depletion of fossil fuels
Today the world's energy resources have reached critical stage. Most of
the world's human population uses fossil fuels (coal, petroleum and natural
gas). The fossil fuel resources are being rapidly depleted. As a result these
resources may last only another few centuries. The dwindling stocks of fuels
has led to the search of alternate sources of energy.
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