Bows are fashionable decoration used on garments. These bows add beauty and enrichment to the finished garments. They are usually added in garments of children and women. Bows are made out of fabric, and used with buttons at times.
Simple bows: A simple bow is shaped as a butterfly, or sometimes made with longer flowery bows. In this case, the wider the bow the longer is the length required for tyeing. Normally, the centre of the bow is narrower than the ends. Cut the bias fabric into two. A wide finished width is required with turnings. Fold in half, the other way and shape it so that it is slightly narrower at the fold line. With the right sides together, stitch the ends and the long side leaving 5 cms (2 inches) unstitched at the center. Trim turning to 0.6cms and cut off corners. Turn through to right side, press seam line first. Towards the fold, pressing with the straight grain line, Slip-stitch the opening.
Fold into half and mark centre with a pin. Make a loop on either sides. Take right loop in the right hand, left loop in the left hand and bend loops forward. Take right loop over left loop and bring it out between the loop and the pin marking i.e central position. Pull tightly until both the loops are equal in size. This is the most beautiful type of bow.
Gathered bows : Simple bows of lace, embroidery, or self fabric make a smart trimming for plain dress. Shape the bow as desired and hem the edges, or face with self-fabric. Run 3 rows of gathering stitches through the center and draw up tight fashion threads securely. When the fabric is soft and needs a little stiffening, use a layer of tarton or organdy inside faced bow.
Ribbon bow: Bows are made of ribbon or fabric tubing to close an opening at the neck and waist, or for simple decoration. To make a bow, pin the ribbon to place at each corner in consecutive steps as shown. Tack the position with invisible stitches. If velvet or satin ribbon is used, inter fold at each corner so that the fold on the underside of the ribbon will not be exposed.
These types of bows are easy to make and at the same time beautiful.
Belts and bows add interest and variation to the garment. Children enjoy belts and bows. This varies depending upon age, sex and nationality. Generally, men prefer stiff and broad belts where as women and children prefer soft and silky belts.
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