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Chapter: Medicine Study Notes : Neuro-sensory

Abnormal Speech

Dysphonia/dysarthria: problems with the mechanics, not ideas, of speech production (eg nerves involved in motor control, connective tissue disease, etc). Say „baby hippopotamus‟

Abnormal Speech


·        Types:


o  Dysphonia/dysarthria: problems with the mechanics, not ideas, of speech production (eg nerves involved in motor control, connective tissue disease, etc). Say „baby hippopotamus‟


o  Broca‟s (expressive) dysphagia: Non-fluent speech with malformed words. Reading and writing are impaired but comprehension intact. Patients understand questions. Inferio-lateral frontal lesion


o  Wernicke‟s (receptive) dysphasia: Empty fluent speech.  Maybe mistaken for psychotic speech.


o   Reading writing and comprehension are impaired.  Posterior Superior temporal lobe lesion.


o  Cerebellar disease: ataxia of the muscles of speech ® slurred and irregular speech


o  Pseudo-bulbar palsy: UMN. Exaggerated jaw jerk, difficultly swallowing, maybe emotional liability. Due to upper motor neuron lesion above the mid pons due to bilateral CV disease, severe MS or motor neuron disease


o  Bulbar palsy: LMN eg facial nerve, Guillian Barre, etc

·        Assessment:


o  If speech fluent, grammatical and meaningful or patient can repeat a sentence Þ dysphagia unlikely


o  If the patient can comprehend simple instructions with several steps Þ Wernicke‟s unlikely


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