'Prevention is better than cure'.
If you can understand how your body works, you stand a better chance of
maintaining it sensibly and so avoiding many diseases by following a few simple
rules and using 'common sense.' You will be in a good position to prevent the
onset of disease and your body will be better equipped to resist any infection
that you come in contact. These rules relate to five main areas namely diet,
exercise, abuse of the body, stress factors and safeguards against diseases.
Avoid sugar and excessive amounts of animal fat. Try and eat more
vegetables, cereals and pulses, include bran and roughage, consume enough milk
and milk products thus forming a balanced diet. Food substances that are not
burnt up as energy are stored as fat. Lack of certain foods will lead to
deficiency signs and symptoms. One needs to understand and work out the calorie
requirements and plan out one's diet to meet the nutritional requirements so as
to maintain good health. Good dietary habits are essential to every one.
Human body
does need regular exercise to keep it in good working order. Lack of physical
activity increases the likelihood of coronary artery disease and reduces the
efficiency of the muscles of the chest, thus decreasing the amount of oxygen
that can enter the body. Regular exercise improves both these factors.
Exercise can be in the form of regular walks, exercising in the gym,
skipping or playing games regularly. Whatever type of exercise you take, it
should be done regularly and will be a preventive measure against disease.
Abuses of the Body
There is not much point in eating a sensible, balanced diet, keeping
your weight in check and taking regular exercise if you abuse your body. The
most common abuses are use of tobacco and excessive use of alcohol. Tobacco in
the form of cigarettes kills. It causes lung cancer, bronchitis and coronary
artery diseases. In moderation alcohol is okay. But becomes a problem when too
much of it is taken too regularly.
Drugs like heroin, opium and cocaine are taken for pleasure by some, but
they are highly addictive and dangerous to health.
It is essential to avoid indulging in these harmful abuses which
sometimes are related to life styles of individuals or families.
The pace of life in the over crowded, demanding century produces stress,
which in turn cause psychological problems and physical diseases.
Hypertension, peptic ulcers can be associated with stress.
Psychologically it causes depression and anxiety and even lead to neurosis. The
best way to treat stress is to remove its cause and try to lead a stress less
Safeguards Against Diseases
No matter
how deligently you look after yourself there is always the possibility of
disease. This can be considerably reduced if you use common sense and take
advantage of all the available safeguards against disease. The most common are
those that confess a degree of immunity against specific diseases -
vaccination, or immunization.
Also take care of some specific illnesses called occupational diseases
that are associated with your type of job. Disease can be contracted from food,
faeces, flies, insects, rodents. Take care from all these by practicing
hygienic ways where ever you go.
If you follow the simple rules relating to diet, exercise, abuses of the
body, stress and safeguards against diseases, you can lead a better and
healthier life.
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