Why use heat pumps?
The use of heat pumps is beneficial in many aquaculture facilities because the temperature increase is relatively low and the amount of energy that can be transferred is quite large. Today heat pumps are finding increasing use in all type of industry, in greenhouses and housing, as a result of the high cost of electricity and oil.
The great advantage with a heat pump is that the large amount of low temperature energy available is transferred to smaller amounts of media with higher temperature. The energy transfer between the two conditions and the equipment itself must be paid for.
A heat pump is basically the same as a refrig-erator or a cold-storage plant. The difference is the method of utilization. A refrigerator is used to remove energy while the heat pump is used to add energy. Theoretically a heat pump and a refrigera-tor can be the same unit that is used both for cooling and heating, for instance cooling of the water supplied to spawning fish and heating of water supplied to fry production. It is however dif-ficult to optimize the heat pump for both purposes.
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