The base station
A base station
is necessary for a sea cage farm (Fig. 21.29). This can be land based or sea
based (lying on a raft), or it can be a combination of the two alternatives.
The size and content of the base station depends on the size of the production
unit and the management of the farm, including what services are bought from
subcontractors. A base station may contain various pieces of equipment and
storage facilities.
It is normal to
have at least a wardrobe, toilet and mess room for the workers on the base. In
addition there is a small workshop, or at least a place to have some tools.
Every farm also
needs a system for taking care of the dead fish; to prevent them becoming an
environmental problem, they must not be dropped into the water. A tank to which
acid is added can be used, and the fish are ensiled (Fig. 21.30); the produce
can, for example, be used to feed fur-bearing animals. The dead fish may also
be stored in a cold-storage room, for later collection and utilization.
It is also
normal to have a feed store on the base. A central feeding system may also be
installed on the base. Feeding barges have become quite popular because they
can be moved between sites
if the sites
are fallowed. Common construction materials are steel or concrete; old ferries
have proved quite popular as feeding barges.
The base,
whether it is on land or sea, must be of a design that makes it easy for boats
to dock. On a sea-based barge this is quite simple; if the base is on land a
quay is necessary.
The base may or
may not include net storage, net washing equipment and impregnation equipment.
However, today it is quite common to employ subcontractors to do all the net
handling and storage.
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