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Chapter: Aquaculture Engineering : Design and Construction of Aquaculture Facilities

Land-based hatchery, juvenile and on-growing production plant in Aquaculture Engineering

Land-based production may be classified according to the production units used: tanks, ponds or net pens in lakes. The tanks can either have circular water flow or be raceways.

Land-based hatchery, juvenile and on-growing production plant


Land-based production may be classified according to the production units used: tanks, ponds or net pens in lakes. The tanks can either have circular water flow or be raceways. Here the focus is on intensive farms having tanks with circular flow, because this system can give the largest production per unit surface area.

The design of an intensive land-based farm depends on whether a flow-through system or a re-use system is used. Use of a re-use system willreduce the amount of new inlet water necessary, but the need for equipment for water treatment increases. The design will also depend on whether the re-use units are placed on single tanks, or whether one re-use unit is centrally placed to serve several tanks. In a plant with a water re-use system, the amount and size of the equipment for water treatment is increased, and the same will be the case for the required area.

A land-based farm for hatching and juvenile production based on intensive production and a flow-through system can be separated into the following sections (Fig. 21.1):

·  Water intake and water transfer to the farm


·  Water treatment


·  Hatchery


·  First feeding


·  On-growing


·  Feed storage


·  Workshop, staff room


·  Wastewater treatment


·  Equipment for feeding and handling that could be integral parts of the farm construction.

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Aquaculture Engineering : Design and Construction of Aquaculture Facilities : Land-based hatchery, juvenile and on-growing production plant in Aquaculture Engineering |

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Aquaculture Engineering : Design and Construction of Aquaculture Facilities

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