Putting DNA Back into Cells
After the
DNA sequence to be cloned has been joined to the appropriate vector, the hybrid
must be transformed into cells for biological amplification. The phenomenon of
transformation of pneumococci by DNA has been known since 1944. Once the
desirable genetic properties ofE. coli were realized, it too was tried in
transformation experiments. Thesewere unsuccessful for many years.
Unexpectedly, a method for trans-forming E.
coli was discovered. This occurred at
a most opportune time, for the developments in the enzymology of DNA cutting
and joining were almost ready to be used in a system of putting the foreign DNA
into cells. Reintroducing a DNA molecule containing a replicon into a cell
permits a biological amplification of that cell to greater than 1012.
In one day, a single molecule can be amplified to quantities sufficient for
physical experiments.
The key
to the initial transformation protocols of E.
coli was treat-ment of the cells with
calcium or rubidium ions to make them compe-tent for the uptake of plasmid or
phage DNA. The term for transformation with phage DNA that then yields an
infected cell is transfection, and this term is used for infection of higher
cells with nonvirus DNA as well. Yeast may be transfected after a treatment
that includes incubation in the presence of lithium ions. Some types of
mammalian cells, mouse L cells for example, can be transfected merely by
sprinkling them with a mixture of the DNA and calcium-phosphate crystals. Here
the mechanism of transfection appears to be uptake of the DNA-calcium-phosphate
manual injection of small volumes of DNA into cells has been highly useful for
the study of cloned DNA fragments because it elimi-nates the need for a
eukaryotic replicon or a selectable gene. Microin-jection into the oocytes of
the frog Xenopus laevis has yielded
much information, and microinjection into cultured mammalian cells is also
possible. DNA injected into Xenopus
cells is transcribed for many hours and translated into easily detectable
amounts of protein. As a result of these properties, a DNA segment can be
cloned onto a plasmid such as pBR322, manipulated in vitro, and injected into the cells for examination of its new biological properties.
Microinjection is also possible into a fertilized mouse embryo.
The embryo can then be reimplanted to develop into a mouse. Since the fragments
of injected DNA will recom-bine into the chromosome, the mice are transfected
by the DNA. In order that all cells in a transfected mouse possess the same
genetic constitution, an injected fragment must recombine into a germ line
cell. Such a mouse is unlikely to be genetically homogeneous because similar
fragments probably have not integrated into somatic cells. The offspring of
such a mouse will be genetically homogeneous, however, and these can be
profitably studied.
general method for incorporating DNA into cells is electro-poration. Clls are
subjected to a brief but intense electric field. This creates small holes in
their membranes and for a short time DNA molecules present in the solution can
be taken up.
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