of Emergency Care
By definition, emergency care is care that must be
rendered with-out delay. In a hospital ED, several patients with diverse health
problems—some life-threatening, some not—may present to the ED simultaneously.
One of the first principles of emergency care is triage.
The word triage comes from the French word trier, meaning “to sort.” In the daily
routine of the ED, triage is used to sort patients into groups based on the
severity of their health problems and the immediacy with which these problems
must be treated.
Hospital EDs use various
triage systems with differing termi-nology, but all share this characteristic
of a hierarchy based on the potential for loss of life. A basic and widely used
system uses three categories: emergent, urgent, and non-urgent (Berner, 2001). Emergent patients have the highest
priority—their conditionsare life threatening, and they must be seen immediately.
Urgent patients have serious health
problems, but not immediately life-threatening ones; they must be seen within 1
hour. Non-urgent patients have
episodic illnesses that can be addressed within 24 hours without increased
morbidity (Berner, 2001). A fourth, increasingly used class is “fast-track.”
These patients require sim-ple first aid or basic primary care. They may be
treated in the ED or safely referred to a clinic or physician’s office.
Triage is an advanced
skill; emergency nurses spend many hours learning to classify different
illnesses and injuries to ensurethat patients most in need of care do not wait
to receive it. Pro-tocols may be followed to initiate laboratory or x-ray
studies from the triage area while the patient waits for a bed in the ED.
Col-laborative protocols are developed and used by the triage nurse based on
his or her level of experience. Also, nurses in the triage area collect crucial
initial data: vital signs and history, neurologic assessment findings, and
diagnostic data if necessary. The fol-lowing questions reflect the minimum
information that should be obtained from the patient or from the person who
accompa-nied the patient to the ED. Of course, all answers are docu-mented for
reference by other health care providers.
What were the circumstances,
precipitating events, loca-tion, and time of the injury or illness?
When did the symptoms appear?
Was the patient unconscious
after the injury or onset of illness?
How did the patient get to the
What was the health status of
the patient before the injury or illness?
Is there a medical or surgical
history? A history of admis-sions to the hospital?
Is the patient currently
taking any medications, especially hormones, insulin, digitalis,
Does the patient have any
allergies? If so, what are they?
Does the patient have any
bleeding tendencies?
When was the last meal eaten?
(This is important if general anesthesia is to be given or if the patient is
Is the patient under a
physician’s care? What are the name and location of the physician?
What was the date of the
patient’s most recent tetanus im-munization?
Routine ED triage
protocols differ significantly from the triage protocols used in disasters and
mass casualty incidents (field triage). Routine hospital triage directs all
available resources to the patients who are most critically ill, regardless of
potential outcome. In field triage (or hospital triage during a disaster),
scarce resources must be used to benefit the most people possible. This distinction
affects triage decisions.
For the patient with an
emergent or urgent health problem, sta-bilization, provision of critical
treatments, and prompt transfer to the appropriate setting (intensive care
unit, operating room, general care unit) are the priorities of emergency care.
Although treatment is initiated in the ED, ongoing definitive treatment of the
underlying problem is provided in other settings, and the sooner the patient is
stabilized and moved to that area, the better.
A systematic approach to
effectively establishing and treating health priorities is the primary
survey/secondary survey approach. The primary survey focuses on stabilizing
life-threatening condi-tions. The ED staff work collaboratively and follow the ABCD
(airway, breathing, circulation, disability) method:
Establish a patent airway.
Provide adequate ventilation,
employing resuscitation mea-sures when necessary. (Trauma patients must have
the cer-vical spine protected and chest injuries assessed first.)
Evaluate and restore cardiac
output by controlling hemor-rhage, preventing and treating shock, and
maintaining or restoring effective circulation.
Determine neurologic
disability by assessing neurologic function using the Glasgow Coma Scale.
After these priorities have
been addressed, the ED team pro-ceeds with the secondary survey. This includes
A complete health history and
head-to-toe assessment
Diagnostic and laboratory
Insertion or application of
monitoring devices such as elec-trocardiogram (ECG) electrodes, arterial lines,
or urinary catheters
Splinting of suspected
Cleaning and dressing of
Performance of other necessary
interventions based on the individual patient’s condition
Once the patient has been assessed, stabilized, and
tested, appropriate medical and nursing diagnoses are formulated, initial
important treatment is started, and plans for the proper disposi-tion of the
patient are made.
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